Patch Delay/ Community Unique

With the news that Patch 1.2 is going to be delayed until 4/17, I saw a comment saying that EHG should use the extra two weeks to add in a new unique item to really encapsulate this moment, so here’s a couple ideas/suggestions I came up with-

Gears of Grinding
A Set of 2 rings + amulet, each in the shape of a gear. (for the set rework)
A Shield composed of three large gears fused together (for the Sentinel rework)
A Quiver that’s somehow gear themed, or “Huntress” themed (For the new Marksman skill Heartseeker)

Suggested affixes
Increased damage to/ reduced damage from Elites (Bosses, Champions, etc. in other words, enemies larger than you.)
Increased Gold find/ enemies drop more shards/runes (for less “grinding”)
Reduced effect/duration of slows on you (“grinding to a halt”)
Increased Health Regen (“We will recover from this”)

(If as a Shield) Shield throw fragments into three smaller shields upon hitting an enemy, dealing x% less damage and prioritizing different targets, but ricochets an additional time. (I just like the visual idea of a shield composed of three gears splitting apart)

(If for Heartseeker) Does more damage when hitting enemies from behind (Backstab), or if that’s too complicated to implement, just does more damage every 2nd time passing through the same enemy.

Suggested numerical values (such as the affixes on Orchirian’s Petals being a reference to the Fibonacci sequence)
1.2 (Patch number)
4 / 2 (Initial release date)
4 / 17 (New Release date)

Flavor text
“These Gears worked hard for many years, and gave many people much joy, but eventually they became corroded, and no longer function. Perhaps they can be put to use in a new way, to protect the innocent from the threat of the Void.”

Maybe this all is a bit petty, and we probably won’t actually see this in-game, but it was fun to indulge and brainstorm a bit. I love EHG and am sad that I won’t get to play Tombs of the Erased as soon as I was hoping, but I will support them and enjoy LE regardless.


No it should be less gold and rune drops and heavily reduced item rarity. Also fixed glyph of chaos when you craft with this item equipped or just heavily increased FP cost.
Equipping the item locks you out of CoF faction and you can join MG but 50% chance for your trades to fail in the Bazaar (gold is consumed but you don’t get the item or your item is sold but you don’t get the gold).
Also +10 seconds cooldown to all traversal skills. But -20 sec cooldown to all traversal skills if you have minimum 2LP legendary items in every other slot.
Also autopickup is turned off, Feel the Weight.
Inline with the vision.

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