Patch 1.2 Timeline, 1.1 Event Updates, and Cycle Poll

Bosses still have their ward pseudo DR system in place? If so the game is still dead to me.

Thanks for the hard work, feedback given and waiting to see lizards around the map :smiley:

They are using the same number scheme as poe when it comes to cycle patchs.

It wouldn’t be so confusing if this whole cycle 1.0 is cycle 1 thing didn’t start. I could be wrong but i think that may have been developer mike. When asked if cycle 1.0 us cycle 1

Would be far easier to understand if one or the other was used. I.e league 3.18 in poe ( not the current league just a random number) means poe league 3.18 not poe league 50 ( again random number)

And now that the community (iv done it to) use both cycle 2 and cycle 1.1 it gets confusing. Which is why i tend to say 1.1 cycle 2 now

They will be able to partecipate

Again, we’ve never seen a fully functional market without any dupes inflating the gold quantity, so your assumption is not valid yet…
NO ONE is supposed to have billions of gold within the first few days in a new cycle. Turns out, a dupe happened within the first days of each cycle with the Market available, hence, the perception of gold cap being too low is contaminated.
But I’m not an economist, so I cannot see how a game economy with virtual everything (where people are able to duplicate items and gold) can ever be related to an IRL economy.

Do we know this for a fact? As in, did devs ever say anything that would lead to this conclusion? Or anyone run some tests?
Because I am under the impression that is not true. At least the gold we get from the chest after completing an echo seems to only raise the higher I climb a monolith.

This reset is a good learning opportunity for me. There is not point playing cycle. Mechanics are the same in legacy and in cycle. The differences… leaderboard… I don t care (I can understand that others are interested in it).
So I will only play legacy now. Problem is solved.

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I think you guys might be overthinking cycles/seasons/etc. Most seasons of D3 were just “double goblins” or whatever. what made them interesting was class balance changes. If you shift the meta every season, it makes the game fun and replayable. Reset some ladders, maybe add a couple new ones people can grind and compete in, and don’t worry about huge core game upgrades. Those can come as completed.

You don’t need something happen in a specific singular environment when on a global perspective this environment has been seen, dismantled into details and analyzed to death.

Knowledge is not making assumptions, an assumption would be based on a thought process without a basis.
The basis in my case for LE is simple, so here goes:

Players get gold regularly, basically every mob drops some.
How does gold get removed out of the economy? Shatterings (which you can avoid nearly 100%), tabs (which have a limit) and Lightless Arbour.
That’s the options.

Lightless Arbour is not used by people in MG because it has no value. The highest valued items can either be found randomly everywhere or need to be specifically farmed in areas outside of Lightless Arbour.
Not that it would help Lightless Arbour since gold is for MG used to buy targeted items while Arbour provides non-targeted outcomes which you can substantiate completely by running high corruption monoliths.

This leads to an ever increasing pool of gold in the economy.
This means that when you sell a item you can immediately buy a higher priced item and the person you bought it from can buy a even higher priced item and so on. There’s 0% reduction of value in-between.

This leads by design to a guaranteed increase in prices for high demand low supply items… like a red ring. Or a T7 rare affix item. Less items on the market then people want to acquire.
Acquisition of low supply items is a competition, after all there’s less available then wanted. So the first one to acquire the funds gets it, which means… the next item is more expensive but people still want to have it.

This circle continues regularly enough to inflate the prices steadily, it’s a infallible outcome sadly.

Hence if you let it go on long enough low supply items by design reach gold-cap prices → the market fails and looses function.

That’s why in games where there’s a full player driven economy (LE is not by the way) you need to remove the created items as much as you need to remove the resource needed to acquire those items.
In LE you solely need to remove the resource (gold) needed to acquire the items. This is not done though. It’s basic stuff, the most basic stuff even.

Albion Online has not only taxation but also destroys a portion of items from a killed player so re-creation of items is mandatory non-stop.
Eve Online destroys ships and part of their equipment upon destruction, as well as implants from your character upon death should that happen. Also… it has taxes.

Any functioning market system in a game where their core resource for it has no other long-term viable sink has taxes. Every game where you create items and allow players to trade them while keeping the game functioning does regularly destroy those items.

Now you might come up with games like… Guild Wars 2. Doesn’t destroy items, has a functioning market! First of all… taxes still.
Secondly the absolute rarest items in the games were time-gated to produce and hence allowed the developers to play into power-creep before it becomes a problem. Specifically balancing in a way to avoid market collapse through those means.

Last Epoch doesn’t have those means.

So yes, my ‘assumptions’ are valid as we have every marker, every necessary parameter presented.
You just need to math out the conclusion to it as the formula for it exists already.
It’s a done deal. It’s a math issue already solved, and the outcome is not in our favor.

I’m not talking about a specific timeframe.
Legacy works without time constraints. MG has to function there as well.
It needs to uphold for more then 3 months… 6 months… 1 year. It needs to uphold that status for 5 years.

We already hit gold cap because of the market, because if you make 10 million gold a day… well, with 1,2 billion gold as cap that’s solely 120 days of effort, not even half a year. And some people make substantially more per day even, bringing those numbers down.
If you get a lucky drop you get 100+ mil at once, hence reducing the whole effort by 10 whole days.

Usually acquiring the cap of the main currency in long-term games with a market (mostly MMOs in that case) needs years to achieve, if ever.
In Path of Exile you would need to own 5000 + 14x5000 (for the free slots) mirrors to achieve this goal of potential cap, with a single tab.
A single trade can lead to a maximum value of 600 mirrors hence. There doesn’t exist a single item in the game since the conception of the game which warranted that value, for good reason.
Their system won’t cap out in the next 20 years still.

We have 1.1… LE’s market cap was maxed out after a month or so, and not because of dupes but because of extremely valuable items which don’t represent the highest possible valued items ever obtainable in the came.
What should the value be in the future hence?


Your are welcome. Advice: Before transition…
-CoF? Save some millions of gold for stash tabs
-MG? Remove all items from bazaar stall

I just want to say I love the game and the Cycle Reset this 19th seems like a great idea, thank you devs.


Can’t wait to hear more about the new stuff, and im actually happy with the reset.


I just started 1.1 two days ago. So if there’s a reset on Sept 19th but it’s still for 1.1, is there a benefit for me to start over or should I just continue my character in 1.1 Legacy?

I guess what am I losing with this reset? The new event?

The only real benefit you’ll have by starting over if the reset happens is not having to deal with mixed stash tabs when your current characters get transferred over to Legacy.

If you do not wish to start over next week and don’t mind having to deal with the stash, you’ll lose absolutely nothing if you choose to keep playing your character in Legacy.

Everything they currently plan on adding up to version 1.4 will be exactly the same in both Cycle and Legacy.


Slight correction as it could extend beyond Cycle 1.4 as it includes all 1.X patch content, as noted in the Roadmap;

Also, as Mike notes on the LE Discord, it could be years before they reach version 2.0, which is theoretically when Cycles would start receiving content exclusive to it for the entirety of the patch cycle;


Are we going to get an updated road map?

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I would think so sense now 1.2 and 1.3 are getting merged together for 1.3 cycle 3

Thanks for the response. I’m gonna delete my existing legacy chars (1.0 release) so when my cycle char goes to legacy, I don’t have to worry about old items and chars

Ur old items will still be there from ur stash. Whats on ir characters or in thier inventory still wont be

No, they’re kicking a bunch of what was going to be in 1.2 back then bringing some/most/all(? delete as applicable) of what was in 1.3 into 1.2. My assumption is that they’re basically swapping 1.2 & 1.3 but ghat probably means that they’re having to shift people around to focus on the what-was-1.3 stuff to get it done, hence the delay.

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an economy reset is a terrible reason for a complete character reset. its about time we had a new league update. there’s 0 consistency atm compared to poe

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