Patch 0.9 Echo Rewards Spawn Rates are way too high!

Tbh this might actually be the goal if im being honest.

Front loading the rewards isnt that farfetched of a strat. Even PoE atlas tree went ahead and made the attempt to make to make each point be worth well… one point. getting 50 points which is half the atlas lets you very easily get almost anything you need and start focusing on said thing.

I dont understand this obsession with corruption being important. The reward of corruption is already in the rarity modifiers, it having a double dipping effects is “well I want my cake and to eat it to!”

if you are not happy with corruption existing solely as a challenge to your build, then I think arena should provide ample loot equal or greater then corruption.

Why should one endless fluff number be more rewarding then the other?

They need to figure out this corruption stuff imo, since right now corruption seems to be creating lots of issues that hurt their design pillars.

Drop rates are definitely being tweaked. I noticed a higher exalt drop rate in monoliths than in 0.85 and I have the feeling that’s because the devs didn’t want to stream line one type of rewards to one specific activity. In 0.85, if you wanted exalts, you were spamming dungeons. They dropped very infriquently in echos even at 300+ corruption.

I would aslo argue that in 0.85 echos were becoming more and more useless and echo networking took way too much time to set up (I had to do 450ish echos to set up a half-***ed network), so there is a reason for more good reward spawns. Also reward network set up would be too complicated for the casual player.

All in all, I welcome the monolith changes, because they were becoming kind of “feels like a waste of time” to farm.

I personally also think corruption has a lot of issues and I really hope they can address them in the future.
But that is not really the main point of this discussion.

I generally speaking want progression through different difficulties. Be it infinite scaling or tiered, I don’t mind.

But pre0.9 corruption at least felt rewarding to me.

Having a timeline at 300-400 corruption gave me significantly more Vessels and Exalted/Unique rewards, which felt great. Having a character that can cope with that difficulty felt rewarding because the loot opportunities were notebly better compared to a weaker character that only could handle 100 corruption.

But is not.

As you said, you get more rarity: better drops from monsters an bosses.
You get more stability: faster boss runs if you’re into that.
Supposedly you get better tier rewards on the echoes, you get more exalted echoes and uniques if you’re into that.

Should be rewarding enough, that as long as you’re not struggling surviving or takes too much time to kill things, you will want to push corruption to a place, high enough you’re comfortable with.

I have 2000 echos completed and started recording data for about 800 echos. My data is for 200 to 400 corruption. Its not nearly enough data, but it helps.

A target unique (TU) has about a 5% chance to appear. It can vary depending on how I complete the web and use vessels. For example, 10+ distance away has the best odds. Also, if a timeline can have 2 different types of TUs, such as wands or staffs, then its a 5% chance each.

Vessels had about a 1% chance each to appear in a given web. This is not the best data because its not based on distance. I think you need to push deep in the web before they start to appear and you can get more than 1 if you explore most of the web.

I did not notice a big change from 200 to 400, but again lack of data.

As to how I feel… I feel like targeting uniques is okay. I would hope for slightly better odds with higher corruption and I hope that is the case. Even though there is only a 1 in 20 chance for my TU to appear, I can use vessels to make farming more efficient and avoid completing many echos with rewards that I do not want.

For example, I can achieve a 30% efficiency rate where I earn 3 TU out of every 10 echos I clear. That is only after significant investment in the web. If the rate were decreased, I think it would lead to exhaustion. I still feel excited when I see my TU appear.

For investing in a web and exploring 300 echos (maybe completing half of that), it feels good having about 3 vessels of chaos and 3 vessels of memory. That chance feels okay.

I did not collect data on sets or exalted, but from my feelings… I think set chance is a bit too high. But I think when sets are improved, then I won’t mind.

I think exalted chance is a bit too low. I hardly see the exalted item I am targeting. This may be okay too, because I like that I can go to the dungeons to farm exalteds more efficiently.

I expect this all to change with trade and rates may need adjusting then.

2 more things:

  1. If something was changed, I would like to see it in the patch notes. Some players spend time figuring out efficient farming strategies. EHG should respect the player’s time and avoid silent changes.

  2. This may mess up balance, but I think it would be fun if I could also use a Beacon to path from, when I reset the web with a vessel of memory.

EDIT - I don’t think EHG should give us specific numbers, but just general statements like shrines are more common now. Or, the chance for rare echo rewards were tweaked depending on corruption. I don’t know that is the case, but if so, a brief mention would be nice.

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I like your post but I disagree with one thinf:

I think changes to loot and rarity of rewards and such should explicitly not be made public, because the feedback will be very skewed.

People will complain because they know there were changes and if people have bad luck streak they will blame the changes.

Having feedback that occurs naturally if the change was noticeable is way better.

Like how I did my few posts regarding exalted items and echo reward spawn rates.

If there happens to be a bug, that was not intended that’s definitely something EHG should disclose.

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Nice, I was already clarifying my opinion. But ya, I can see how specific numbers would be bad.

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You can certainly keep your opinions to yourself, just as I can keep mine

This is a topic that is often debated, and I just want to clarify that while you think I am an “LP hater”, my point is that it is not about the “LP system” itself, but about the other systems of the game and what those systems constitute within the game. The whole of resource conversion

As many people often think about Diablo-like games, “when the game starts over, every drop is a surprise, and that stage is the most fun”, I totally agree with you that you want to make “drops more surprising”. I just think your “lowering the reward” is a pointless approach - because the game’s system doesn’t support it
Because of the current design of the game, a good drop is only the beginning of a series of work, not the end, and reducing the initial drop gain just makes the process slow, not make the process start to become “surprise”

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