Skill: Thicket Blades
Visuals: perhaps it should appear more… grassy? Something like whirlwind of leaves, small and few bigger ones, with sharp whistle sound and wind gust after skill being used. I beleive it fits skill’s name and Primalist’s nature.
Thoughts about functionality :
Though the current skill is ok, wouldn’t it be more fitting (again
) to make it about thicket, leaves, branches, spikes and all effects they can do? And what are those effects? What can those things do while moved so fast inside a whirlwind? They shred their victims alive, slowly cutting them into pieces. Also I’m sure that Primalist is hardly observable inside the whirlwind (dodge bonus).
Thicket Blades:
A whirlwind of living blades appears around the caster making any enemy it touches to bleed for 2 seconds (small area). New bleed effect is applied every 1 second while enemy is inside a whirlwind. Also caster has a 20% bonus to dodge. Cost: 40 mana. Duration: 8 seconds. Cooldown: 5 seconds.
Additional functionality:
If this skill is used before its duration expires the duration renews and caster gains additional stack of whirlwind up to a maximum of 3. For every stack whirlwind’s dodge bonus is increased by additional 20% (so basic max = 60%), and bleed effects are applied by 0.15 second sooner per whirlwind stack after first (so it’s 0.7 second with 3 stacks).
Specialization node examples …
Speed of Hurricane: [3 levels]
With at list one whirlwind stack, caster gets 5% movement speed bonus per node level. Also caster gets 7% bonus to attack speed and cast speed per node level and per whirlwind stack.
Storm Sweep: [5 levels, requires Speed of Hurricane]
Every use of this skill grants 2 second buff to a caster. The buff increases caster’s melee damage and attack speed by 8% per node level.
Rushing the Winds: [5 levels, requires Storm sweep 2]
Duration of bleed effects caused by whirlwind is increased by 0.2 second per node level. Also every melee attack prolongs whirlwind effect by 0.1 second per node level.
Crimson tempest: [1 level, requires Rushing the Winds 1]
You bath in blood of your enemies. While you have a whirlwind stack and any bleeding enemy near by, you suffer 50% less damage from bleeding. Also every use of this skill has 30% chance to make enemies flee for 2 seconds. This effect may also happen when any bleeding enemy dies inside the whirlwind.
Relentless wind: [7 levels]
Increases whirlwind duration by 2 seconds per node level and decreases skill cost by 2 per node level.
Greater whirlwind: [7 levels, requires Relentless wind 4]
Enemies inside the whirlwind have their movement speed reduced by 5% per node level and per whirlwind stack. Also radius of whirlwind is increased by 10% per node level.
Sudden gusts: [1 level, requires Greater whirlwind 3]
Reduces skill’s cooldown by 2 seconds and increases whirlwind stack maximum by 2. But once you’ve reached maximum whirlwind stacks, their duration can’t be renewed by using this skill.
Dust storm: [10 levels]
You gain 15 more dodge per node level and per whirlwind stack. Also the effect of blindness on you is passively decreased by 5% per node level.
Hurricane pack: [1 level, requires Dust storm 2]
You gain only a half of percentage bonuses to your dodge but your minions also gains same benefits while they are inside the whirlwind. Also radius of whirlwind is increased by 30%.
Dirty wounds: [5 levels, requires Dust storm 4]
Every time when skill causes bleed effect it also has 20% chance per node level to cause 3 seconds poison effect.
Thicket pests: [7 levels, requires Dirty wounds 3]
Increases duration of poison caused by Dirty wounds by 0.3 sec per node level.
Knowledge of the Wilds: [1 level, requires Thicket pests 4]
Your poison resistance so as your minions’ is passively increased by 100%. Also every time you take lethal damage from poison or bleeding effects, you lose 15 mana but stay alive and become immune to those damage sources for 1 second.
(not sure this one should be a skill’s passive node