Pad questions, mainly footsteps action bar button

Hi all!

I am trying to figure out how to use the footsteps action bar button using an Xbox controller. Anyone know how to? If I try and bind it it just hops over it, but with some of my spells I creep forward when I want to be kiting backwards instead (which is what that button is for right? To choose a spell to use as you move or something) Any way to make it work on pad?

Also while I’m here, anyone worked out a way to get around the fact you can unbind certain buttons on the pad - for instance take potion off LB, but if you then try and use PB for anything it says it’s already bound (even if you’ve taken it off the original spell). I just want ny pots to be Y pls. Anyone worked it out? I guess I could use one of those xpadder programs or something but I’d rather an in-game solution if there is one.
