Our Gift To You & Thank You


Can we get a refund for the game? because I don’t want to play it anymore


wow thanks for the sick cape!

ok thanks we love mtx and need more of it to buy, but also the ice mountain like portal is gone from shop and from my mtx inventory i bought. give it back :slight_smile:

The only gift that i want is the server Online and be able to play with a friends.


My friend, chill out. Even Blizzard and triple A studios have tough launches. This team is at least communicating to keep us updated and doing their best. The game is awesome, hang in there and you’ll have a blast when it’s ready.


Thank you! And hugs to the team!


Thank you so much guys! I bought the game today, I was very excited to play but it’s okay you guys are working really hard to fix it! The Wrap looks so cool! I hope to be able to play tomorrow! Thanks again for making a really awesome game I can’t wait to enjoy!

Nice cloak!

Thank you so much for creating the great game for us to enjoy.
May i ask but 1 favour, can you please make it so i can beat the dungeon bosses lol.

How to get? Is this something everyone gets automatically?

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How do I get it? I was trying to join since the release and just got it. How I get the gift?

Looks nice thank you :smiley:

I also bought the game before launch and never got the travelers backpack i just got the weird dragon looking thing

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When should we receive this awesome gift by?
And what do we do if we haven’t got it by then?


I only got to play for about a half hour today, but it showed me enough that I’m excited to play a few hours tomorrow!! Hope everything works, but you won’t see any complaining from me, I understand these things aren’t easy.

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Not seeing mine in my cosmetic inventory…

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ty so much and also dont sweat the haters they gonna qq no matter what stay strong yall got this :slight_smile:

How can i claim this? I’m in the game and don’t see anything about the cape :frowning_face:


Cool, thanks