Orobyss Prophecy Bugged

I have the Following Prophecy:
Arctus Prophecy
Fulfilled 2/8 Times
Event: Death of Shade of Orobyss
Condition: Monolith
Reward: Unique Armour (16 Weavers Will)

The Prophecy states that it has been fulfilled twice (I have killed Orobyss twice since picking the Prophecy), However, I did not receive the Unique Armour when I killed him.
Both times the loot that did drop only contained a 1LP Siphon of Anguish.

Apart from the missing Armour, this bug prevents me from killing Orobyss again for fear of not getting the reward.
Bugged Prophecy

A bit older but still valid. Did a few prophecies that SHOULD reward me with an unique idol but no idol dropped