Orchirian, Last Epoch's mathematician

Did anyone notice that the items Orchirian’s Petals and Ashes of Orchirian feature the Fibonacci sequence as their stat values?

It’s a perfect fit as the sequence describes “creation” and also how flowers (e.g. their seed rows and leaves) are structured.

I love it!


Yes, many times over the years.

Sounds like something best served with bolosagne sauce.

I hadn’t noticed or heard this before. That’s pretty freaking cool! :+1:t2:

Keep an eye out for 0.9.1 extending the sequence.


I’m looking forward to it. :slight_smile:

That is pretty fun. Many plants for whatever reason, have a Fibbonici Sequence in their structure. I wonder if there is a reason both items are petals from a flower

Orchirian is a plant creature with a huge flower as a head, an orchid.

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