Option to "lock" an inventory item?

Since Last Epoch is all about quality of life…

It would be great to have a way to “lock” an inventory item so it can’t accidentally leave my inventory or be sold, or be moved by sorting…

For example… I would put a key or gear-swap resistance ring in the lower-right corner of my inventory, then I would hover it, and the tooltip would show “middle click - lock/unlock”. i would middle click the item, and then it would get marked as locked visually, and then it would be unsellable, and sort would not move it around anymore.


Yeah, that’s not a bad idea. I know I’ve accidentally move/sold an item once or twice. I know it’s a “me” thing but I think it’s a good thing to help prevent something. I still sometimes accidentally swap a piece of gear I’m trying to sell by not pressing Ctrl quick enough.

Clean and simple. Love this idea.

I’ve had this exact thought while playing. Great idea.

Yes same here! and p.s welcome to the forums!


I guess it could be useful to some, but i don’t expect it to be high priority. I would add it could also lock an item from dropping it on the ground.
For the “i accidentially sold my item” there already is a buy back option, which persists between sessions - that’s why i don’t expect it to be high priority.

100% I some how screwed up picking stuff up when I was dodging a spire… and lost a double t7 weapon!