Option to color code damage sources, and verbose damage text

Right now I can’t really tell where my damage is coming from because it’s all popping up in white (or yellow) text. Damage from different sources should be color coded (poison = green, fire = orange, bleed = red etc.) in order for players to be better able to parse what their characters are doing. An extra step would be verbosity levels that would write out the source of the damage next to the number. This might be difficult for separating poison stacking particularly, but it would be a nice thing to have.

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I’m not sure I’d like to see 2-3 times as many numbers, especially for a fast hitting AoE skill, you’d have numbers all over the place (& not in a good way).

More options are almost never bad, though. The choice was already made to expose damage data, the extra resolution would really help for character building, imo.

It’ll be a pixel-soup though. It’s already difficult to see individual numbers in combat sometimes. If they gave us the detailed skill data on the character screen, say, that’d be entirely different.

Mike has just posted this though.

I think a lot of this could be solved with some sort of combat log. Most people won’t look at it most of the time, but when you really care (i.e. when you die, or nearly die), you can take a good, detailed look at what was going on.

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