Opinions, Yours: Best and Worst skills in the game?

Hi there

Personally my favorite skill is springan form, I love the design (my first tabletop roleplaying character was very close to this spirit).

Then I would say that the skill I like the least is assemble abomination, I like the idea but I have a hard time to see a real use for it, so maybe one day I will like it… Otherwise for me vengeance is the least fun even if it seems to me rather well balanced

Have a nice day.

As far as skills go, I am loving the minion reworks in general. I know some more polish is needed for melee etc…but as far as fun goes, there is a lot of ways to build most of the skills depending on gameplay. Least favorite for me is reaper form. I honestly can’t pinpoint why I don’t enjoy it, apart from the tree really leaning toward buffing the skill rather than the player when it comes to offense. IE most offensive options are for reap rather than a “global” modifier for DOT damage as an example. One good example of what I would like to see in the tree for this is the stacking spell damage while remaining in form (Reaper’s Ascendance). Would love to see more interactions offensively like this. As a side not to reaper, I do dislike there being very little “viable” or strong build diversity when it comes to a reaping character ( currently the only “fun” builds ive played are essentially the same DOT builds but either Nec/Poison scaling). I do, however, think this will change a lot with the addition of Warlock, so fingers crossed :slight_smile:

Agree with you on the Anomaly, does’t really seem beneficial for the game when it is overused on one particular build.

Forge Weapon seems to work well for me, I think the problem is the enemy density doesn’t allow for the creation of more than 50 or so swords. I want like 90!!

I want less Swords but better. I hate large groups of bad minions and prefer small teams of wrecking crew - Crows are good for example

Im not ingame but Erasing Strike is approx 36-40 base mana cost and does maybe 35% of Rives damage and you also need to build into crit and mana efficiency AND a generator to use it…on a Melee skill constantly putting you in danger - you are trying to defend the skill but its ok I dont care if you like the skill but its objectively bad in comparison to anything really - If you want to write a topic on how Spriggan/Manifest armor is bad to you thats fine I am not here to try and change YOUR mind

Arguing your point of Erasing Strike is like someone giving all these points why a car that drives slower than someones walking speed ‘can be good’ even though its fundamentally worse in every way possible than to say Rive

Also the skill is based off on kill effects which most players including me hate. Devouring Orb is a good example of a bad skill that is saved by the skills in its specialization allowing it to Orbit to do damage and also spitting out explosions. Devouring Orb unspec’d is utterly useless to me

I cant remember the numbers on my VK but Rives tooltip at 20 is up to 188k and Erasing Strike ‘unspec’d’ is about 28k I put some points into damage and it gets to about 35k. My Rive 3rd hit crits for 10x the damage. Vengeance with a few points in damage is 35k and gives me 50% dmg reduction and is free…scales off attack speed and you only need Crit Multi/Void Damage on Rive so you get to focus more on other things


This part is so true in most games in this genre. PoE and GD get away with it because monster density gets high enough in some places to justify it, but I don’t think they’re right for LE unless that changes.

You don’t need to spec into mana efficiency to make ES work.

It feels like we are talking about different skills.
ES deals a multiple if Rive’s damage per hit.

Rive definitely has better sustained dps, but that doesn’t make it superior.

Also the on kill portion is something you don’t have to utilize to make ES good, that’s just another way of building it.

Comparing Tooltip dps of different skills also doesn’t work.
The system is not meant to compare different skill.

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