Online play currently unavailable

Is anyone else experiencing this? I figured forums would have info, but I seem to be the only one?


experiencing the same

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Not the only one, but I guess the only one brave enough to post about it. Was looking to see if there was an update or something.

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Having the same issue here

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The team is aware and investigating!


aye. Just wanted to start a thread in technical, then I saw this one


Yeah me too, what’s going on?

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same here

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I’m having the same issue

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I am also stuck at a screen saying I’m #17 in queue

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I even checked my internet bill amount and paid it before posting as it was 3 days past due LOL


Better late than never!

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I’m not happy that others are having problems, but I’m kinda glad I’m not the only one. Was just about to start troubleshooting my computer, which usually ends up with me losing my marbles and re-format my PC and start from scratch…

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One less thing to remember to do today at least as it was on my to do list - silver lining I guess :smiley:

I normally unplug and replug my router and wait for the blinking lights to stop before checking my connection but… Since I could use the internet fine I just tried reconnecting to the game instead.

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Hello, there. I am new here. Sorry for my bad engrlsh. I think it is a technical issue.And it is will be fix later.

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Yeah… we know my guy. Even if your Engrish is bad. Hopefully sooner than later though right?

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Yep. Better is sooner.

it would be nice to have a word from the team knowing roughly when it will be fixed is good


I was hoping to find a server status when I came here honestly. That might be something to look into for the staff. But now that I’m here the forums seem pretty nice.