Online 1.1 - fresh start or legacy

As a hoarder with tons of stuff and hundreds of millions(MG rules) I’m going to stay at legacy.
But how many of you, online players, will stay and continue to build your roster of champions OR going to start from zero as fresh circle 2 race for pinnacle boss and arena high score?

Much like in 1.0, I’ll stick to legacy. At least until there’s any difference between cycle and legacy.

I always love starting completely fresh. I did play Normal, SAF and SCF characters in this Cycle already, starting a new multiple times even within the cycle.

So getting another opportunity to start fresh will be utilized by me.
So I will probably start SAF with my 1 or 2 strongest builds, farm a lot of new uniques to test new builds and then palying all these new builds utilizing the new uniques. Towards the end of the cycle I usually like to play one SCF build.

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The way, you ask the question, I have to answer: none of the above.

Like Heavy, I play almost only fresh starters. One or two characters on the same mode, then I use SC/HC combined with different game modes to get as many fresh starts as possible (as there is no real hardcore mode, the only difference between SC and HC is the stash. I stop playing any character who dies anyway). The game is easy enough, no need to make it pointless with levelling items and mountains of crafting mats.
Therefore, I will always choose cycle, be it online or offline.

But where your question is wrong is assuming cycles is about racing for pinnacle bosses and ladders. I couldn’t care less about these. I actually never play in the first two weeks of a season, in any game, generously leaving all the bugs and lag to people who enjoy them.
To me, Cycle is ONLY about getting a fresh start.

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I will be playing in cycle.

I always play cycles or seasons in diablo likes that have them.

Reason i do is cuz it just gets way to easy to gear up new characters. For me after awhile it gets boring.

I dont play GD even torchlight 1 and 2 any more for this reason. My hrs spent in these two arent anywhere remotely close to my hrs spent in LE

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I’m starting fresh for the fresh MG economy. I suppose items will cost too much on legacy, cause of the gold dupes, and cause players already accumulated a lot of wealth

I’ll go legacy this time. There is literally no incentive to do season for me personally.

I have not tackled MG yet so I will be playing cycle 1.1. MG ONLY so I get a beginner’s insight to the feel of MG.

For me it depends on what they are going to change about CoF.
On paper I prefer CoF, but the balance of the two factions was too skewed in the first cycle. So, if they buff CoF, I will stay in legacy, if not, I will go MG on cycle.

Likely to be sticking to legacy - the ability to pause the game on demand is huge. Also it’s nice to be able to use movement abilities in town. Only downside is the inability to use cosmetics in legacy.

I think you’re talking about online vs. offline. Legacy/Cycle is in both offline and online. Legacy are old characters before the release of 1.0. Or in this case, before the release of 1.1.


And about 1.0->legacy. I can’t see info about stash tabs migration in QoL post. Am I missing something?

There’s nothing in text, but I remember @EHG_Mike mentioning somewhere that you’ll be presented with a dropdown in the stash that lets you select the cycle you want to view. That way you can either keep each cycle’s stash separate, or merge them together.

new cycle 100%

I personally do not see any reason at all to play legacy other than testing stuff.

Fresh start baby. I love doin’ it all over again. Especially in this game where the first couple of acts are not as agonizing as they are in PoE.

Bullet-Wall-Mage is primed and ready to get his funk on in Cycle 1.1