Offline mods and trainers

With 1.0 giving a fully offline mode will there be trainers and mods that will be available. I have heard Mike say that anything that gives more power over another player would be against TOS but what about offline with you are playing with no one else and no one else is affected? Has there been any statement released for the fully offline mode?

Will there be? Probably.

Does it need to be said out loud that modifying game files is something you’re not supposed to be doing? No.

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There are most likely already some of those. It’s offline mode and I don’t think offline mode will be monitored at all.

Given it’s going to be properly ofgline they won’t be able to.

Ballsy of the OP to ask about it on the official forum though.

The most recent thing Mike has said on discord about mods is that they won’t help or hinder them.