Offline Mode Skins

Just read skins don’t work offline and feels like me pre ordering the ultimate was a bit of a “waste”.
Yes we mainly play online but for the time we don’t I would like to suggest this…

Suggestion: Use Steam Inventory to keep your items so we could use them in offline mode.

Using steam inventory requires an online connection, which is not what was requested by the players and thus not what the offline client does.

But you can still use steam and play games offline, tho I guess the game can’t check the inventory like that…

The requirement the players made was that the offline client NEVER uses an online connection, other than the first one. And that’s what the client does. Everything is local on your PC, no connection is made to anywhere. So can’t connect to steam or to EHG servers to check anything.

While Steam inventory isn’t a viable solution and a dev talked about it in another thread related, this is a long term mistake to keep it like that, with skins unavailable offline.
The most logical solution i can see here would be to use the online mode to write some files the offline mode will access which contain the owned mtx. That way the offline mode is still fully offline, and will just read files written while the game was accessed in online mode.

Also, sooner or later, it’d not be surprising the offline mode will have mods and any skin will be available there, including custom ones.
It somehow shows a bit more how conflictual making a GaaS (Game as a Service) and maintaining an offline mode is.