No Projectile from Static Orb

Generally, you should include:
What went wrong?

Entered an echo, Static Orb wasn’t firing a proj. It looked as though it was immediately exploding at my character model.

May have something to do with the area, Ritual Lake, as sometimes the ability functioned normally, and sometimes it didn’t. Or it may have been a latency issue, although I never noticed an issue with the display of milliseconds to US East.

Log File (77.9 KB)

Screenshots (via a site like imgur) or video, if applicable

Should’ve recorded a video, I guess. Maybe next time. But yeah, here’s it just exploding immediately upon cast.


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Just got another echo in Ritual Lake and the behavior happened again.

Same for me, and in Ritual Lake as well, my Static Orbs doesn’t orbitate at all, it explodes as soon as fire, on me.

Have the same problem

Edit: It seems to approach, when you standing in water, on land it shoots projectiles, at least for me

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same for me

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