New Unique Items | Coming in Depths of Eterra Update

I love levelling uniques! :slight_smile:

I don’t think you can dw maces on sentinel


So Singulaity only works witrh hits (no DoT) and I can’t crit with it equipped? For a not-so-big 12% more dmg? Why would I even want to sacrifice an idol slot for that?

The Catalyst is interesting but… on kill effect? So useless for boss fights. Or I have to use WS on my skillbar. WS is very low dmg skill atm to be honest

The Vengeance mace… it looks awesome but same problem as with WS - Vengeance damage is low. And it is not viable on its own in high corruption monolyths. To say it is moslty used for its damage reduction would n’t be an exaggeration.


Ah yes. Sad. :frowning:

Singularity art is insanely cool, but that effect seems underwhelming? I can’t think of a hit-based build where you’d give up crit for that amount of more dmg. Hmm

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The example of singularity provides 12% more hit damage to all hits. Crit as a baseline offers 5% chance of 200% damage, which is an average of 5% more damage, however far less reliable in when you actually get more damage. Crit can certainly be scaled higher than what singularity can offer.

However singularity is intended to fill a place for builds that may use slower more powerful attacks where having unreliable crit chance can be unfriendly, or for hybrid hit/dot builds which don’t want to invest passives and affixes into crit. Or even to run until you get to a point that your crit can out-scale the damage singularity offers.

It’s not designed to be a be-all end-all damage boost to all builds, but provide a boost to certain builds in leu of stacking crit affixes for the cost of a single 1x1 idol slot.


You can’t sentinel has to have swords only haha. my first thought was duel wild but second thought was duel wield restriction XD.

Ok I got your point. Thanks for the explanation. Just lvl 40 requirement for Singularity is too much. As you intend it to be used as (among other options) a levelling item (run until you get enough crit chance / multi) maybe lower the level requirement to lvl 20?


Yeah, for a hit build that isn’t going crit it would be pretty decent. And not going crit could save a decent number of affix slots/passives/etc.

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I’ll be honest. I never saw or made any good hybrid build, because at the end it was always better to focus on one type, sadly. I wish i could make a hard hitting/crit fire build that also provides big ignite dmg. Yes, thats how it works in PoE…but…its a good design. Most of the hard hitting skills have slow base speed, and for stacking ailment/dot dmg you need attack/cast speed.
But maybe i’m wrong.


Sentinel can only DW with sword in the off-hand no?

Edit: Darn, I missed my opportunity to be the first to correct Llama, sad day


I couldnt ever see myself using any of these uniques

Singularity and chronicles both look cool, though im not sure if they have staying power/build around.

I love non crit options would love to see some more to add around singularity.


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Those are increased not “more” though. The unique idol is a more multiplier.

I’m sure there will be a use or two for it.

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If you only have a single source of increased and a single more modifier then yes they would appear to act the same, however in Last epoch there are tons of increased sources and tons of More modifiers the difference is increased all get ADDED together and MORE modifiers get Multiplied together.

In other words, the more increased damage you have the more dimishing returns you have using an increased damage idol, where as with a MORE damage idol it would still be an overall 12% increase in total damage output.

If you throw on a 18% Increased damage idol when you already have 300-400% increased damage your output damage will not go up by 18%.

Im not great at explaining this stuff. see @Llama8 for further breakdown.

1 + (Sum of increased) x More 1 x More 2 etc.

This means regardless of how much damage you have before singularity, after you always have 12% more.

The game guide covers this, if you hit G in game you can find a run down of increased vs more.

Because increases add onto one another if you already had 100% increased, getting 18% increased is going from a 2 multiplier to a 2.18 multiplier, which results in a 1.09 or 9% relative damage increase, singularity is better then it, and generally builds get much higher increased % values.

Thats not to say singularity is fantastic, its just a way for non crit builds to get some extra scaling without them being better then crit builds since crit builds need to use up more affixes and thus are rewarded with higher damage.

Like the looks of that Mace & Bow… always eagerly awaiting new loot… :wink:

I appreciate you doing something for vengeance. I hope it sees some love apart from that unique and you give it a slight buff. Also i would be thankful if you can make some changes to iron blade.