Hi Guys i bought this game at 29th Dec. , and played a lot because i really like it. (played a lot Diablo, Grim Dawn and a little bit auf Path of Exile). I Played now 70ti Hours, iam level 96 now.
But i really didnt find some Core Items Anymore in my loot, since iam Playing the upgraded Level 100 Timelines (Corruption 100-150) i reall didnt have any Items Like Odachi or Bone Amulets, they completley disappeared from my loot table, i found 1 Bone Amulett and 0 Odachi since iam level 80, so in the last 30ti hours of farming i get 2 Odachis from the Gambler, thats it.
So in General, is it like, if you need items with core Level 56 (like the 2Hand Sword Odachi) i have to farm the low level time Lines, Level 56, 66, etc. in Normal and just push the curruption to have a chance to get some of them? or how does it the loot table System works here? the Odachi and and the most other low LvL yellow Item stuff i need is from my leveling process and i found them between lvl 50ti and 70ti.
The Build i try to play: Forge Guard, Level 100 (LE Beta 0.8.3e) - Last Epoch Build Planner
I Also have to problem to get Stout idols, with % Health + Flat health, again in the 100 Time line Levels i only get the big Idols i dont need. (Also the Lootfilter for Idols doesnt work, for all other items it does but not on Idols, i tryed all… ass example Stout Idol - Affix Healt or % Health, but he didnt hover them at all, i tryed all settings i found for idols)
Any tipps for me on this? iam Frustrated since only get those items from the gambler… and unable to farm them.