New Primalist Skill coming in Patch 0.8.4 - Upheaval

God that looks so much cooler than Ice Thorns.

Eterra? I hope it’s Eterra.

That skill looks amazing. The visual design with the proper screen shakes etc make the skill feel powerful.

I really hope we get to go to the least touched timeline next for story. I’m thinking primalist does fit in with that timelines theme and with all these primalist changes, I’m getting hyped for it.

Looking solid, definitely going to theory craft some Frostbite stacking with Ice Peaks. Although a little worried about the potential mana cost of Excavating Blow, it might fall into the same problem Puncture’s Penumbral Ambush has where the mana cost is far too high for the additional clear it provides while also not having any improvement on single target.
Also hoping Shockwave can be converted as well. That’d be fun.

Has my bet.

Looks amazing! Nodes shown here have me really excited to play with this skill.

Since this is replacing Ice Thorns does that mean that you won’t be able to play a spell damage primalist while leveling until you have 15 points in the base tree to get Maelstrom? I guess that’s not much different than current because it wasn’t really practical to use Ice Thorns as main damage source even while leveling…

Maelstrom will be unlocked much earlier in 0.8.4


I wonder if it will have spell conversion nodes :thinking:


If there’s not a spell conversion node in the tree, gotta say that I will be disappointed and will have questions about shaman as a spell casting mastery all together. A lot of synergy with Earthquake and the new totem might be nice but outside of that, meh. (From a shaman perspective)


Very nice!
As Ice Thorns was at very low mana cost I hoped for another leveling skill at low cost, but this looks very cool and I’m happy to play it!

This attacks can scale with Attack Speed??
Like old Sunder from PoE…
If yes looking to play Aspect Of The Shark Upheaval in next patch

My Primalists still tug at me every 5 minutes [they can’t read].

I then always read very slowly and try not to report anything bad.

So far they are still halfway bearable, sitting comfortably around the campfire and sharpening their blades.

However, I have not dared to offer them a bar of soap and point to the pool until today.

When the gang finally leaves satisfied I get a few hawks and wild grizzly bears in, but that’s no problem, they are much tamer and easier to handle.

It goes forward.

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I always like this type of skills
I hope it is powerful!

It doesn’t have a cooldown, so yes.

Any way to use or trigger this skill in bear form, this skill really fits the theme of the strong and heavy bear.

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In the Druid rework overview video, there’s a bit where it’s showing the Werebear specialization tree and it briefly highlights a node that says “when you use Maul, immediately use Upheaval”, or something to that effect. So it seems like you can add that as an extra component to Maul.


Great, will make an upheaval bear

Looks pretty good.

Been playing STR Stacking Shockwave Occultist in PoE

The issue with Shockwave (called Tectonic Slam…jesus christ) in this game is you dont really want anything less than 100% chance to proc…and the mana cost will be probably insane so I dont think its going to be a build I would enjoy long term tho as I cant stand managing mana at all anymore on any character after a certain points, its just too tedious to enjoy

What would be awesome if Shockwave became a passive point on the tree. “You have XX% to proc Shockwave on attack” and not give it an internal cooldown…so you could play slow hitting builds or fast proccing Shockwaves from smaller hits

More Totem Love!!!

Finally we know a totem with melee attacks for this weapon


Does shattering/splintering a totem cause it to die or can it be shattered multiple times?