New Player Feedback

Hey guys, enjoying the game so far as a lvl 23 primalist and lvl 20 mage and up to lvl 5 with the other classes. Wanted to share some of my initial feedback because glancing through the forums it looks like a lot of people here are long time players and fresh brand new beginner feedback might be valuable to devs.

I’ve played D2, D3, D4 beta, and lots of GD. POE was way too complicated for me. LE seems to be a similar sweet spot of complexity and depth between Diablo and PoE as where GD was, and I really appreciate that.

I really, really love the LE skill system. I play ARPGs for the dopamine hit when you level up and can make your skills stronger. I’m still very new to this but this is the best skill system implementation I’ve seen. It nails what I’m looking for in an ARPG. It’s fun to level up a new character and get to play with the new skills and figure out your character’s playstyle before you lock in a skill for specialization. I like the pacing here. I’m excited to keep playing just to see how all of my characters’ skills develop.

I am not very far in the campaign yet, only several hours in, but I’m a little lost on the story and world, and I’m not invested in it yet. Part of this is because the quest givers say a line of dialogue different than the text you’re reading, which is jarring. The characters also haven’t seemed to have a lot of personality yet. I’ve looked around the world map and been to three time periods so far, which is cool, but the world map is pretty big and cluttered for a newcomer. I’m not getting a strong sense of character, narrative, or style from the game world yet, compared to how strongly GD and D4 beta communicated their apocalyptic themes. (I do know it’s early access and those details of presentation are lower priority than getting the main systems working).

I really liked how GD filled up the map with secrets, lore, and hidden power ups. It encouraged exploration and filled out every nook and cranny of the world and made me excited when I found a power up shrine or secret area or elite dungeon. That’s something that I’ve seen others comment on that is missing from LE so far, and I would love to see that filled out eventually.

Totally understand that the game is still in development, and that I haven’t seen anything beyond the very early game, and that not everyone has the same priorities in a game as me, and I totally expect the game to continue improving exponentially as it has been.
But I figure that feedback like this from a new player’s perspective is what can help devs polish out the early game presentation and the fun of exploration to hook new people like me and keep us playing until we get invested in the underlying game systems. Keep up the good work guys.


Welcome to the forums @mkeames18 I hope you’ll have a greate time.

We had a talk about new player experience and respeccing in another thread and i want to take to chance to ask you some questions if you don’t mind.

  • How did you like the tutorial Zone aka as press killbutton and use hp pot part of the game. Did this explain everything to you in a good way?
  • Would you like to have a crafting tutorial or did you find the crafting menue easy to use without any problems at all?
  • Did you respecc your skills? if so did you like the system in place that makes you regrind the xp on the skill again?
  • How do you like the level scaling? Are you ahead of the zone level or on par with it?

I’m just a random bob on this forums I just want an unbiased oppinion because I don’t know you and you most likely don’t mind telling me straight what your thoughts are :slight_smile: . As I said it’s just intresting for another topic and I would appreciate it if you do me the favour and answer this questions. Thx in advance :slight_smile: .

What I find annonily bad is the lack of information regarding quest locations and whether the quest is done or not? Even after finishing the quest I still click on the quest giver and it keeps asking me to do the quest. The worst one is the one at the docks as I have gone thru the whole area of the docks trying to find the quest item. I loot the chest at the end but the item I think is the quest item is nowhere to be found?

I really liked how GD filled up the map with secrets, lore, and hidden power ups. It encouraged exploration and filled out every nook and cranny of the world and made me excited when I found a power up shrine or secret area or elite dungeon. That’s something that I’ve seen others comment on that is missing from LE so far, and I would love to see that filled out eventually.

I played GD a lot too and this is also one of the features of it that I like, as well as the side quests, etc. Right now, yeah, LE world is quite big but nothing really much in there. Most of the time when a quest tells you to “go here and there”, you just straight up go there. There are some secret areas in LE but again, it’s still mostly empty. There’s really no incentive of doing any kind of exploration at the moment. It kinda doesn’t help that most NPCs in LE sounds happy in a dire situations either. But I believe, and want to believe that EGH will do something about these.

No problem.

  • The tutorial zone was good. I’m not new to ARPGs so the thing I spent the most time figuring out was how the skill system worked (and that you can’t attack with left click)

  • I only tried crafting one time and it was on a Legendary weapon so it didn’t let me craft it. I thought I’d save crafting for later in my playthrough when I had more permanent gear and better buffs for it, plus it looked a little complicated. A tutorial would help, or if the game gave you an item and an affix and had you craft them together as part of a quest.

  • I did not respec my skills, because I didn’t want to have to regrind the xp again. I started 5 different characters in the tutorial area and began figuring out the skill system by the 2nd or 3rd. By that time I had a feel for how it would work and chose my specializations carefully. I like that there is a penalty for respec-ing. It makes you take the choice seriously and if you have to grind the xp up again it feels like you earn that skill.

  • I’m leveled above the zones I’m in. I’ve died a few times, particularly on my mage, so I think the difficulty is reasonable.

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Tyvm mate!

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