New items from Julra

Hello spent the last 6 hours farming t1 Julra trying to get a ring with 3+ legendary potential and after 100 runs i haven’t got a single ring with more then 1 lego potential i also asked in a few streams on twitch today and nobody has got an item with more the 1 so just wondering if this is a bug or not before i waste more keys thank you for your time.

Zone level has an impact on legendary potential. If you run the lowest level sanctum, your chance to get more than the guaranteed 1 potential is very low.

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yeah thats all good but im not alone heaps of ppl have been running them and not a single person has yet posted a item of more then 1LP would be nic eto hear from a Dev and not someone guessing

perrythepig and a heap of his viewers have also been farming for item and nobody has got a item with more then 1 LP and they have been farming t3 and t4