New Game Rogue difficulty

Hi all, I’ve tried a few of the other classes out recently to about 30-36 and decided to give rogue a go.

I’m quite confident that I understand the play style of rogue being hit and run tactics (as standing going toe to toe at least in the very early game means a quick death).

That said, when I compare my starting new character experience to that of the other classes (mage, acolyte, sentinel) it’s a ridiculously more difficult time in comparison.

As I played things got better, by about level ten I had some half decent weapons and maybe a semi useful set of abilities. But man, those starter ones are just terrible , and I say that in comparison to other classes.

So yeah I thought I’d make this thread to talk about it. No doubt I’ll get absolutely roasted in th comments with “git gud noob”, and in my defence…I’ve not had a single issue with playing any of the other classes. It’s just a rogue thing…for me. Your experiences of course will likely vary.

Yep. Early rouge is a little squishy … I started one offline as a twink - thats ok. But in a new cycle I would prefer other classes when I have a empty stash …

I don’t have the comparison to other classes but I didn’t have any issues with Rogue (Falconer) while leveling.
Before making the switch to Umbral Blades I leveled with Puncture and went Pierce + Bleed damage, using a Bow for the distance advantage. Damage was a bit low but went through campaign without dying.

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Good to hear you had a more positive experience than I. Perhaps I got unlucky due to no HP regen/Health on hit stuff, because once I found that things were pretty easy. It’s just the first zones before you assemble the epoch for the first time that have been really problematic.

Yeah same for me too I made one offline to just muck around with and oh boy did I get a surprise lol it’s very different

I started as a rogue and quickly went with a bow to keep some distance between me and the enemy; it worked flawlessly → almost max lvl now.

Each class has their own strengths and weaknesses, biggest weakness for rogue is getting hit. Thus investing into defenses early on is certainly handy. Getting Dodge and movement speed from your passives and gear is a good start to move a bit quicker and dodge attacks.

Having life on hit gear does help too, checking the shop for it or crafting it helps a lot. Also don’t forget your resistances!

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I just spam acid flask for most of 1-20

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That works too, I just don’t like the skill’s mechanics as much as bow skills.

An update to my experience with rogue. After trying again and using a 2H, things felt much more balanced in the early game. Using 1H as a rogue pre your first two skill nodes being unlocked is a bad experience.

I’ve now made it to end game and smashing the monoliths as a blade dancer.