New Dungeon - The Lightless Arbor

Obviously, you’ve not tried it yet. That is clearly one way of doing it. But there’s always more than one way to skin a cat and I’d dare to suggest that it depends on your build, tankiness, dps, etc. You’ll understand tomorrow.


I know a lot of people wanted to know if the Vaults had a mod quantity limit. We had previously stated that it didn’t, and up until last night, it didn’t. We found in balancing the gold costs that it was not quite appropriate and are updating those costs along with planning a mod count cap which will likely scale based on dungeon tier.

We will continue to monitor and update the system through hotfixes based on your feedback.


I understand that there’s a lot of cruelty in the animal kingdom but the fact you’ve skinned more than one cat is disturbing. I’m ashamed of you, dad. Please rethink your actions as I wait for this patch.

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Sad. :frowning: I’m sure if said cap didn’t exist & any putative testers may or may not have gone “balls to the wall” on it then it would likely have been somewhat amusing. Hypothetically, obviously.

You aren’t the first & you won’t be the last. #DealWithIt.

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I would loved if u could dig deeper and deeper and deeper in this dungeon, and that u feel the depth from those deeper levels, the deeper u dig the more specific rewards u can get :slight_smile: just a wish

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The boss in this dungeon sucks. I use lunge for a movement ability, which is currently USELESS for dodging attacks. Getting 1 shot because I cant run away from the mechanic fast enough is so cringe. Why do you even allow 1 shot mechanics when we have potions and only 1 chance to kill the boss? In good ARPGs (Like poe) you get portals for multiple attempts at something. In this game, you run around a maze bored out of your mind because it is ridiculously easy with no chance of dying, then you get to the boss and the difficulty spikes 100x harder than the maze, so you get 1 shot and get no rewards. Going to be blunt and just say it like it is, this feels like terrible game design, is boring, and I alt F4’d this game immediately. I wont be coming back for at least a year because of multiple reasons and this is a big one, BORING end game. Not to mention you posted that “getting stuck in lunge animation” has been significantly reduced, yet it happened twice in the first echo after patch. I have seen so many posts about this lightless arbor garbage boss, yet its still terrible, same with lagon not even being able to be attacked by smite and other things. ??? Seriously you make many empty promises and say you are here for the player, the game is not even close to as fun as it could be, get some of the content creators to help you for gods sake.