New 2D and 3D sword art!

In the recent patch, we updated all 2D and 3D art for swords. Which one do you like the most? What item group you would like to see updated next?

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Just art, it is either the Falchion or the Crystal Sword.


The Crystal Sword

Sentinel chest Armour, specifically Solarum Plate.

Boots! There are only one or two optimal bases, and not enough variety. Would love to see bases that support non-Armour defences (Dodge, Health/Vit, GB).

I like the crystal sword (it stands out more bc of it’s colouring), culist blade looks good aswell.
As to what item group to update next I vote for belts; currently there is only the armour belts as a good base (the 2 armour belt base seem the same to me as I only use pots in the oh crap moments).

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I like the guard of Dawn Blade though the grip is too narrow imo

Nagasa scymitar is the best :slight_smile:
I would love to see axes/polearms rework next

Boots or Body Armour

Scymitar for art work… the crystal sword seems so op for a spellblade I cannot wait to find a decent one…

Next update ---- One handed Axes or Blunt weapons…

Crystal Sword number 1 and Nagasa Scymitar is a very very close second, both in their art and their implicits.

Tough call. Axes could be good. Although I’ll go with Spears as I’ve been spending too much time reading Alpha Legion lore since the Alpharius book came out…

Crystal Sword, Falchion and Nagasa Scymitar are the best looking in my opinion.
And I’d like to see new art for staves.

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