Nerfed enemies too much

Am I the only one who thinks that they nerfed enemies and bosses too hard? I am clearing echos with almost only basic attacks. Not that it was too hard before but the fact that harder enemies spawn more rarely combined with the nerfs at damage and health of enemies made the game far less challenging. I even started a new character and felt bored. What do you think? Was the game too hard that the nerfes are justified?


The nerfs were justified for Arena because at some point rogues will one shot you before you can even react and something like crystal elemental will hit you for 1,4k at wave 300-400. Early corruption monoliths have never really been hard unless you juice them up with tons of damage modifiers.


I get what you’re saying but I don’t think they should balance around high Arena waves. I am not liking these changes at all. Currently, the game is just a snoozefest up until lvl 90 monoliths and beyond. And no, I’m not picking the most broken build out there or looking up guides, this is just some absolutely scuffed builds on SSF because why not.

I’m hoping that they will balance this out later down the line just like how they’re treating skill balance (compensating buffs for previously harsh nerfs) but this time the other way around for mob difficulty.

I’ll keep my eye out on MP release since I expect a lot of people will give their feedback regarding the difficulty.

PS: I do think the unavoidable stuff like the teleporting snakes or the guard on a beetle(?) that throws out spears should be nerfed. Not in terms of DMG/HP nerfs but moreso that you can react to them throwing them out and change the snakes to a telegraphed (or not) line dash, just spitballing.


Well you have a point but the game is not only about high level arenas. Maybe they should make this changes only in arena then. Of course I dont expect to die to early monoliths but the early levels got boring. There was some challenge and you needed some thinking but now u just walk through the maps.

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Also I havent seen enemies like frost wyrm since the patch droped in any monolith no matter the level

I completely agree that the game should not be balanced around high arena because majority of people are not doing high arena / have no interest even doing arena at all.

The problem with trying to balance all content that we currently have is the fact that one will always suffer (campaign, monolith, or arena)

There could’ve been better way off nerfing those monsters in general that would not affect any other content

Reducing the number of rogues, crystal elementals, Emerald nagas that can spawn per wave would only affect arena and it wouldn’t just be “Pray that you don’t spawn rogues since they one shot you with the dash combo when they all dash in at once offscreen”

Scarab riders just needed to be avoidable due to the massive amount of damage they did against ranged.

I believe most of us who do enjoy arena as our main content only asks that arena is fair and as i stated above it can be done by reducing the quantity of op monsters per wave. Say 3 rogues per spawner instead of 8 so that alone would “nerf” the arena in terms of chapter 9 monsters.

I don’t want the game to be balanced around Arena but i do want my main mode to be enjoyable just like most people want monolith to be enjoyable :slight_smile:

There is always a way to find the middle ground where both will be happy.

  1. The game has Corruption and Mono Modifiers to make Monos harder.
  2. The game has Empowered Monos with the above.
  3. The game has Masochist mode setting with BOTH of the above.

I hate when adults walk into a kindergarten playground and whine about how un-challenging the equipment is when the MMA dojo is next door…


Well I cleared an entired empowered echo with only basic attacks…not even one ability. And I know you can make monoliths harder but until you get there its just sandbox. And dont tell me to build corruption this takes too much time…way too much for regular monoliths. Plus as i said some enemies like frost wyrm are just gone. You never see them. And this is a general discusion and people are saying their opinions. You can just say your opinion without riddles…

I’ve seen Frost Wyrms, just no longer a pack of 8 (this was in the patch notes).

Corruption is easy to build if you hit the Shade every time he comes up. Regular Monos are just leveling Monos. Empowered start at 50% increased damage + health for all enemies, so you’ll get a better sense of the game’s difficulty once you hit end game (regular monos aren’t end-game).

Also, LE does not have basic attacks, so not sure what you mean by that. You’re using a fully specc’d Skill (1 of 5). Depending on builds, that isn’t really unusual.

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We don’t all have the same personal skills… :wink:

There is a basic attack, when you start the game. People don’t use it, but that doesnt make it disappear.

I don’t think that @ShinyLugia is talking about the actual difficulty in building up corruption. It’s about how time consuming it is. If you have a good build when starting monos after story, you are face rolling the content. Building corruption on a non empowered timeline feels like a waste of time. It may propably be faster to just unlock empowered timelines than to try to build up corruption to 100 on a non empowered mono.

Also, if you kill the shade everytime it is up, you’ll get negative corruption. At higher corruption you need to dive deeper into the web to find shades that increase your corruption. The further away from the center, the more corruption.

If you feel overpowered, it will take you hours and hours to get the game to a difficulty level that feels challenging.

Other games have a difficulty slider. In LE you have to go through hours of “boring” content to find the challenge.

This is all very viable feedback. So please don’t try to derail another topic.

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…limited to 50. :wink:

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So much this…

I remember taking a “geared” (for the level) character to the Apprentice fight for the first time on Masochist & thought I could face tank it easy. Got one shot by the initial opening salvo…

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Which is why it’d be quicker to get to empowered monos than getting your non-empowered monos to 100 corruption. :wink:


you can assing “basic attack” to your right click thats what i meant. Any way i think it would be better if they nerfed high arena levels only or empowered monoliths for that matter
This is the icon for the basic attack, anything else is a skill. I assume you’re using a skill but if you’re not, more power to you.

The only changes are to Chapter 9 mobs. Nerfing them is to bring them in line with monster from the other chapters. They are only nerfed too much if they are now easier than monsters from other chapters. If you find the game too easy as a whole, that’s a separate issue. And the solution is clearly not to keep Chapter 9 mobs where they were, which basically made people fish for non-Chapter 9 monos to do.


Well if u build too much corruption or clear too many waves in arena you are bound to get one-shot. Whats the point otherwise? Making the game easier for this reason is wrong. And i dont think its only about chapter 9 enemies since creatures like frost wyrm are almost gone.

There is no change to frost wyrm or any non-Chapter 9 monster this patch. I don’t care if they make the game more difficult or not. But the game shouldn’t have uneven difficulties at the supposed same difficulty level. I think you dont understand this point.

There are still enough non telegraphed enemys that are able to instagib you don’t panic :D. On the other hand some people cruise through 1000 corruption monoliths and have a good time after several hundret hours spent in the game.