Nerf to boss dungeons drops

After last patch happens too frequently that the final boss doesn’t drop any unique item (last T4 dungeons 2 times in 4 dungeons no unique drop).
Reason for this nerf?

Your unshakable belief that dungeon boss drops were nerfed is based on a total of two kills not dropping a unique? Unless you’re talking about Julra, just… come on with that.

The only dungeon boss that is guaranteed to drop a Unique every time is Julra. If you’re talking about any other dungeon boss, learn what “random” means. If you’re talking about Julra, post in the Bug Reports section.


Please… Go back to D4 or PoE

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TBF, I’m enjoying the latest league & I think Mike said he was playing it as well (as I’m sure a bunch of the devs are).


Are you sure? I remember always dropping at least 1 unique every dungeon T1, 2, 3 and 4.

Julra always drops a unique. It’s the only one that guarantees it. The other two aren’t guaranteed, it’s just very bad luck not to have one drop. Even more bad luck if it happened twice. But it’s still just RNG being RNG.

D4 for sure next season.
POE I don’t like it.

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Plus the Arena bosses. No guarantee there either.

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I think the only boss in the game that has guaranteed drops is Julra. But OP was talking about the dungeon bosses only.