Negative armor formula

Hi, is the formula for damage reduction (or increase) associated to negative armor values available anywhere? The formula in the in-game guide becomes singular and then positive between -700 and -500 for typical endgame monster level, which is presumably not how it actually works (else damage would be almost infinite with, say, 6 stacks of armor shred but almost 0 with 7).

i’m not very mathematically inclined, so before i go on, i give the caveat that i may be completely wrong here.

that said, let’s take a look at the armor mitigation chart on tunklab. in an area level 100, 701 armor gives you 20% damage reduction vs hits. if it works the same way when values go negative, assuming an enemy that starts with 0% armor mitigation (another caveat: i have no idea how much armor enemies have typically, i’m just using this as an example), at 7 stacks of armor shred, that would bring them to -700 armor, which would mean ~20% increased damage taken from hits.

i’m not looking at the game guide info you’re referring to, so i can’t speak to that, but just going by this chart it doesn’t seem like your understanding was correct.

@Tunk any chance we could get a section for armor/resist shred effectiveness in the future? or is there one already that i overlooked?

The armor mitigation chart is identical when it comes to a negative value and monsters have 0% armor and 0% resistances unless they have mods such as “high fire resistance”

good to know, thanks! i thought that was the case but didn’t want to claim it without firmer knowledge.

There isn’t shred page yet, maybe I’ll add one some rainy day.

You can’t use armor mitigation formula with negative armor values. Instead you use positive armor value and reverse it, so shred graph is identical to mitigation graph as Foe said.

Here’s graph for armor shred stacks (you can change area level with slider)


thanks! just knowing that they work the same for positive and negative values is enough. appreciate all the work you do!

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