Needing new information plz

fill me in brothers!
What are we waiting in 091? 092? …
plan schedule?

091 will be releasing May 25th.

No real informations about it.

Based on the teaser on their YT it seems to be that the Temple of Eterra, when it was still intact will be part of it.
So we will most likely get some new regions in the Ancient Era.

Either story chapter or just some new regions.

As mentioned, patch 0.9.1 is scheduled to release on May 25th. Here is the teaser trailer:

You can also read this forum post where I’ve compiled most of the new or interesting information, as well as spoilers, the developers have shared with us throughout the weekly dev streams in March and April.

wow! thank you

hi heavy, any idea about that since tier 1 Jular’s ring has 100% drop rate with 1 Lp, will it be rolling more than 1 lp?

Yes of course.

All of Julras drops always have 1 LP minimum, but they also all have regular chances to roll 2-4 lp

I see, thank you

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