It is a distinct kind of frustration to be ripped from the immersion by a carelessly designed component of the interface deleting the rewards I’ve earned. I know this has been brought up before, and I’ve lost gear on many characters this way, but this release is somehow more egregious.
It is way to easy to lose gear during inventory management in this game. RClick to swap item is too similar to Shift+RClick to drop or move windows. It should not be so easy to screw up my equipped items. Beyond the first hour of a new character, we don’t change items rapidly enough to justify this. Please give us any option to mitigate it.
- Checkbox to disable it
- Make the command more complex
- Let us customize the command
- Add a confirmation step
- Add a popup or color flash or anything that shows a swap happened
- Anything
- Seriously, ANYTHING. PLEASE!