Need help understanding top 1 necromancer build on LET

hey guys, i have been grinding the game for last 48hours. and i am right now at lvl 92. I have been following the top 1 build which I found on LET. But i have noticed that if i use infernal shade on my abomination, he dies when there are no enemies to leech life. I would love it if someone can actually explains me how the build is working.

this is the link to the guide: CLICKME

Is there an actual guide? That’s just a build planner.

i coudln’t find any actual guide on this planner. I just found the top 1 leader and followed it.

I’m not 100% sure, but it looks like it’s using Abom as a ‘oh shit’ button… or of similar effect.

Keep mages and skels up until the right moment and then Abom to clean up while resummoning.

This is a solo abom build.

You use the skeletons/mages as feed for a non decaying abom.

You buff it with infernal shade and dreadshade to give it lots of speed/100% crit chance and tons and tons of damage.

The abom is melee, and has okayish melee hit aoe. but what makes it really strong is you are able to invest everything into defense. the abom scales it self pretty much. just getting int is enough it gets bonkers levels of more multipliers in its tree.

This is why the build uses a chronostasis. it comes with ward per second in the main hand slot which is unique to it.

He is using plague minion idols because aboms plague will do tons of aoe damage because he has like I said, bonkers levels of more multipliers that apply to him globally.

Abom needs no real minion health scaling he gets the total health of the minions that make him up, and then 10% per player level. He is unkillable with decent leech which he gets thanks to necro tree.

All his gear is invested into getting more ward from his low life items, more ward retention thanks to cold res, and more int for some damage and even more ward retention. as well as some flat ward per second on his offhand/mainhand.

The build is decent at pushing corruption as well, but clears monos very slow vs other builds, but its fine for arena as arena is all about staying alive and not exactly about time efficiency.

This is the current necro strat imo. Most necros for ladder seem to run either wraithlord who you build pretty much the same as abom, get the wraithlord, as many more multis as you can, and buff him with solo shades.

You can also do a similar build with archmage, but I think wraithlord has consumed that build since its just archmage but better.

edit: as of typing this, a wraithlord build has passed the abom guy. but they have very similar gearing ideas.

If infernal Shade is killing your Minion(s) too fast, the usual cause is that you have too much in your build that is Caster gear - usually your weapon. notice in the build you linked he is using a sword. Hence 0 flat spell damage. If you try to drop Infernal on your guys while you are wielding a Wand or Staff with a lot of flat Spell damage, it’s going to fry its target quick.

Just a theory. What dps are you seeing if you mouse over Infernal Shade? It should be down in the 200-300 range or it’ll do more harm than good.

Most builds that use Infernals to buff (rather than deal damage) need to use an Axe. (Axe is preferred to a Sword because Axes can take any two of the Minion flat damage suffixes; Swords can only take one of them).

As a footnote, if Infernal Shade is on buffing duty then you typically won’t take any damage nodes, so you might want to lose all the points from those nodes at the top that will be adding to the damage your Minion takes.

Here’s my current Wraithlord build that is very carefully minimising the damage Shades does to my Wraithlord, while buffing him to the moon. This runs just enough Minion Health + Health Regen (and 0 flat spell damage) so I can put a Shade on the Lord forever and never worry about it killing him, even when it ramps up to max damage ticks.