See what I replied several days ago?
I’ve just finished the campaign in Hardcore with such a Necro. She had one or two difficult moments, but the fight against Majasa was relatively easy.
If that can help, here is the girl:
That looks like a lot of farming to me.
Farming? Why?
I don’t have the right equipment available. Especially more health, resi and mana regen are needed.
OK. But you may have something to work around?
This planner is the result of the campaign with a Harcore Solo hero. She started “naked” and did the campaign with what she could find. Several echoes and sure you will find all that or equivalent (or better)!
I grabbed everything which buffed the minions and it worked so well till first part of chapter 9
Then suddenly the difficulty was skyrocketing. Now I had already replaced some stuff with more HP and resistances. But the minions are now weaker and are falling much faster to bosses.
but you know you can grab everything with HP, resistances and craft minion stuff on it?
Yeah but I have first to find such stuff.
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