Need add npc-trader of crafting materials

Sometimes i need some crafting materials that i have no but i have some materials that i don’t need in this time. It will be great if in our game we have npc-trader who can change your crafting materials for other crafting materials. It’s not a secret that all players accumulate many crafting materials that they don’t need and it accumulate so much that it is unlikely to be needed in such amount. The presence of this npc would significantly increase the efficiency of the farm. By the way, this mechanic has already been implemented in PoE.

P.s. Please vote this topic if you agree with this suggestion.

Glyph Of Chaos were added with the overhaul to the crafting system as a first step to make all affix shards feel worth it and it definitely achieved that, especially early on, when you really don’t have that many shards and you want to reroll an affix on a otehrwise very good item.

I am not sure if EHG planned on further implementing other systems that act in a similar way.

I don’t necessarily disagree with you, but I do disagree with two of the staements you made:

The feel or need to make everything as efficient as possible is something that I despise and should not be the goal of a loot-driven game.
Surely adding certain systems that help with exchanging materials would make drop, that you don’t need or want right now more exciting, but if you take this to the extreme, at some point everything will be a “good drop”.

But there needs to me “bad drops”, so there can be “good drops”. Some crafting materials can and should be plentyfull and others should be more rare, so they actually feel good.
I would rather want to have even more rare crafting materials added, that cannot be obtained any other way.

While for a lot of discussions it is totally valid and reasonable to draw comparisons with very similar games, such as PoE, I don’t think “just because game A did this, it should be done in LE” is a good argument.
Especially since LE’s economy works completely different it has not meaning to the context of LE, that PoE has something like this.

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