Ive only just started Last Epoch. (only started a day ago)
I was wandering how do i apply and use the Skill Dread Shade
How do I target a minion to apply Dread Shade to it ?
Do I just stand next to a minion ie. my Golum and cast Dread Shade ?
What is the best way to use this skill ?
Any help would be very much appreciated as I am a complete Noob 
Do you play with a mouse and keyboard? If so, just hover the minion you want to target and hit the skill key for Dread Shade.
If you use a controller, Iβm not sure how you do it, maybe someone will come along and give you pointers for it.
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i just found out you can click the minion icons in the top left corner to apply it, you donβt get to choose exactly which minion though when you have more than 1 e.g. if you have 5 mages and click the icon, it picks a mage randomly to apply the skill
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