Necromancer Design Synergy Class Fantasy Change for Minions (Also bugged Node)

Necromancer design is always a huge fan favorite to command a powerful army to do your bidding. However that design is divided into not just Minion power but you have to heavily invest into defensive stats for your Necromancer. Often forced into Low Life to accomplish this and sacrificing blessings/power for your minions to get resist and defensives your Necro needs. (No synergy, feels bad and hurts the class Fantasy)

If your minions are healthy your Necro should be Healthy. You should be buffing your Necromancers defensives by buffing your minions.

Proposal for changes would be placing a higher importance on your Golem and Minions.

  • New node (Soul Link) If your Golem is active your Necromancer takes 30% less damage. Yes I took this idea from WoW but that is the point of your minion to protect and shield you.

  • New node (Skeletal Bond) you take 1% less damage per active skeleton.

  • New node (Necromantic Symbiosis) Your Necromancer is now bonded to your minions and recieves a portion of their Health, Resist and Armor.

  • New node (Born from the Grave) If you have at least 7 Minions active when you die you are born again with 50% Health.

  • (Empy the Graves) node now gives 30 Armor per minion up from 3. This node just feels super bad as it currently is. I’d argue that buffing it 10 times might not be enough.

I believe the design philosophy should be that in order to kill the Necromancer you have to kill his minions first. That is the source of thier power and strength, or at least it should be. This then pushes the design focus on Buffing and Maintaining powerful minions.

If your Army is getting wiped out you are now vulnerable so your focus and gameplay is concentrated on commanding and buffing this Army fully immersing yourself into the Necromancer Class fantasy.

You could even further this design into some New Uniques but I wouldn’t make them mandatory in order to play Necro. Which is why I say further this design. The core design should be in the passive and Necromancer tree. I’d hate to see 1 Unique mandatory to play a minion build.

Right now after playing several mininon builds this has always bugged me. There is no synergy currently and the design feels divided. I need to take Resist, Ward, Health and all these defensives instead of buffing my Minions. There is nothing more frustrating then when your Necromancer dies and ALL of your minions are up. Then you spend time trying to remedy this instead of focusing on Minions and your Necromancer Army defeating the reason WHY I’m playing Necro in the first place.

Anways hope these suggestions help to improve Necromancer synergy and gameplay for those Minion enthusiast who want to FOCUS on their Minions power. This way your Army’s strength feels like your strength and also their weakness become your weakness. Class fantasy achieved :slight_smile:

I believe the above changes will also really shake up passive and gear choices in a positive ways. Dead talents now actually synergize builds.

Finally - Necromancer node (Disciples of Necromancy) can’t unlock (Rite of Death) there is clearly 3 points there but you can only invest 1 point. Make this a 3/3 talent rewarding 2 more mages that will fill the Minion fantasy. This brings us up too 7 Mages which would be nice for Mage builds. There should be a path for this route since I can invest 3 points in (Blades of Forlorn).


Love these! Currently Necromancer has very few defensive options and there’s literally only life drinker/effigies which all play around sacrifice as opposed to those who prefer to run more permanent minions.

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Thanks gave it some serious thought! When I was recently playing a new Necro I felt bad that I couldn’t choose Minion blessings when playing a Minion build. I was forced to take Resist, Ward or other buffs. Then even on an early playthrough had to toss on Exsang reducing all my Minion damage so my Necro could stay alive. It was very disheartening.

I want to build the most powerful Army ever and focus on my Minions and the current design doesn’t allow that. If I pick Minion Resist All blessing that should give my Necro reist. I should be able to take Minion Armor/Health and it gives my Necro a portion of those stats.

Just hope there is a day where I can focus on Minion stats as a Necromancer and their strengths and weaknesses are shared with you. That just feels like Class fantasy and a lot of fun.

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yeah currently you have to commit so much in either offense or defense that going offensively with necro minions is the only viable route from my experience.

The most substantial defensive layer for minions is crit leech. It overshadows anything else in terms of effectivness.

We’ve already got other mastery dedicated to having one or a few strong minions so it would promote class identity much more for necro.

Also we need more Ward options like an example off the top of my head is Golem’s hunger node having a way to convert to ward.

my big issue is i cant see what dps they do. how can i see if my work is working? when i swap gear i have nothing but the minion % to go off of. its a bad feeling when you dont see a dps number on your skill.

It doesn’t help that the targeting dummies have no damage reduction so trying to use them to gauge DPS is just seeing inflated numbers.

I’ve been trying to find a source that tells you how much health each of the bosses have so then that would be a more reliable way of seeing what you’re effective DPS is with your minions.