Necromancer Abomination's Arrow Nova spell is firing too slowly

Recorded video as example: Arrow nova frequency bug - YouTube

What I’m expecting:
Dead Eye description says the abomination should fire Arrow Nova every 4 seconds (frequency of 0.25 Hz). With 2 points in Horrific Volley, the frequency should be increased by 30%, so a frequency of 0.25*1.3 = 0.325 Hz, which is once every 3.08 seconds.

What is happening:
I marked the timestamps (second.frame) of the first frame I see Arrow Nova firing and got the following results: 28.26, 32.20, 36.16, 40.13. On average, that’s 3 seconds and 25.7 frames. Since this was recorded at 30 fps, that means Arrow Nova is firing every ~3.86 seconds. I confirmed the timings manually with a stopwatch and consistently got results between 3.8s and 3.9s.

In my character stats, I also see “Increased Minion Cast Speed: 56%” which I would expect to further increase the firing frequency of Arrow Nova if that’s supposed to be applied here.

Operating System: Archlinux on kernel 5.14.14, if that matters.

Cast speed only affects the casting animation. Since Arrow Nova frequency is equivalent to a 4s cooldown, cast speed would have no effect on it. Minion CDR might but probably shouldn’t.

Arrow Nova is definitely firing too slowly for me as well. With no points invested into frequency, I have measured about 5 seconds between each nova. If that is true (actual base frequency is once per 5 sec), then with two points in frequency (+30% rate) would mean it fires once per 3.846 sec, which matches up with OP’s measurements.

I’m not sure if it was intended to be 5 seconds with a typo in the description, or if the skill is bugged.

I just found this line in the 0.8.3 patch note:

  • Dead Eye causes arrow novas every 4 seconds (from 3 in tooltip, 5 in reality)

It’s starting to sound like the updated the tooltip, but forgot to also update the code.

Yup, it was still set to 5 seconds. I’ve fixed this internally, thanks for the report!

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