NECRO {Build] - Infinite Damage / Infernal Shade (230+ waves) [ Speed-Run & ARENA versions ]

so , seems like a bit risky move casue this build was relay on a bug :smiley:

thank you for your help man !

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I know I’m kind of late to this party, but is this build still viable at all? I see they fixed the Infernal Shade bug, so did that fix break the build? Also, where do I find the boss that drops those boots?

hi Froxic, yes, the fix on how infernal shades transfer now kind of broke the build as the minions receiving the transfered shades will die from the shades and as “Shifting doom” node is not working properly, despite it giving you 100% of chance to reattach the shades the shades sometimes do not transfer and all accumulated damage gets lost. If devs fix this node then the build would work again as it would not matter if the minions die from the shades as they would keep being transfered to a new minion with full damage.
Something that might work would be to stack a lot of minion regen to try to keep them alive but at some point the damage of the infernal shade would be so hight that the minion would die anyway. I hope that “Shifting doom” gets fixed at some point as this build is really fun to play.

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Thank you very much for your quick reply! Hopefully the devs fix the node. I would love to give this a try

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do you recommend if i switch my cold crit necro to this build?

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