As you know Naal’s Tooth allows you to summon multiple raptors. Brilliant Display is ability that Raptors can use to reduce the cooldown of companion abilities.
When you have multiple Raptors summoned with the Naal’s Tooth the Raptors will cast Brilliant Display individually. So for example. Lets say you out have 3 Raptors, a Wolf and a Bear out. You can Wolf Howl and then 1 Raptor cast Brilliant Display and Howl again and have Raptor 2 cast Brilliant Display, Howl again, then Raptor 3 cast Brilliant Display and Howl a fourth time. All 3 Raptors used Brilliant Display and effected the Wolf Howl giving excellent Howl uptime.
Following the above logic, why is it that when one Raptor casts Brilliant Display it does not cooldown Rampage. I feel it make sense logically that they would be able to cast Brilliant Display and have it effect one another, lowering the cooldown of Rampage. Maybe since Raptor 1 Brilliant Display is only hitting Raptor 2 & 3 you only get 2/3s of the effect as a trade off. Right now it does nothing. Zero.
I planned entire build around this interaction based on the fact that Last Epoch tools says that Rampage is effected by Brilliant Display when in actuality isn’t. Consider changing this for S2 please as it would make Raptors much more viable with a cool Raptor Hybrid Zoo Build.
Because the node says that it affects “other companions” cooldowns. If it affected the Raptor’s own cooldowns then having 2 Raptors would mean it’s always up & every Companion skill can be used without any cooldown (Companion 1 uses a skill, Raptor 1 uses Brilliant Display, other Companions use skills, Raptor 2 uses Brilliant Display resetting the cooldown on Raptor 1’s Brilliant Display, etc).
Having checked LE tools, it looks like it should affect Rampage (as that skill is listed alongside all the other Companion skills), however it may either be a bug or just how Brilliant Display is coded either due to that node being introduced before Naal’s Tooth, or to avoid an infinite loop effect.
I guess I wasn’t clear enough in my example. I’m not asking for it to reduce the CD on Brilliant Display (that would be an infinite loop as you’ve stated). I’m asking for it to effect Rampage, which I think is a reasonable thing to ask for.
Also, are you a dev? You are speaking as if you are one.
Yeah, it depends how it’s been coded. It might be coded to reset the cooldown on all Companion skills (the ones that the summoning skill gets replaced on your skill bar with) which would be fine, or it might just reduce the cooldown of anything Companion (ie, including Brilliant Display) but not affect Raptors.
Nope, but I’ve been here for a long time & done beta testing for other arpgs so I tend to think like this.
Yeah, I just wonder what the point of this very expensive node is if it doesn’t even reduce the CD on Rampage. Again, I understand it not working when you have only one Raptor. But I think logically it makes sense for it to work when you have one Raptor casting Brilliant Display on a friendly Raptor. Would make this node a much more interesting choice and also make the Naal’s Tooth a much more interesting choice.