My feedback on why i stopped playing the game, as a huge fan

Don’t call ward omnipresent … That’s silly. I never use ward, many players never touch ward. We’ve already discussed ad nauseum that the top ladder builds don’t spec into ward either.

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Block is a bit more restrictive as you need a shield (I think?), but even if it didn’t need a shield, same with dodge. You are going to get those stats on your gear at some point. Even if you’re not going out of your way to filter it out or forge it into your kit. There are passive nodes that give dodge, I picked them for the OTHER stats it gives. Same with Ward. Ward has always been in the game and has always been on Gear, in passive nodes (for most masteries), or in at least one skill per mastery+base class. You don’t have to go out of your way to find ward. Same as dodge or block. You DO have to go out of your way to stack it. Which none of the top builds are doing.

Edit: Would you say that the top build on the Leaderboard is a block build because he has a shield with block chance? No, that’s stupid, the build isn’t about blocking.

Would you say that it’s a ward build because one interaction provides ward? Equally no, equally stupid.

Also, you missed my point about OP, if OPs issue was with Block or Dodge, having a single point of Dodge on his ‘Warrior’ who’s supposed to be upfront tanky would be ridiculous “get all dodge off my warrior!” is what he’d say instead. Does that make sense to you?

Nope, but that’s where you’ll get a significant amount of your block from.

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Thanks for the clarification! I’ve been playing Kingdom Hearts now that it’s on Steam so it’s been a minute since I’ve actually played LE

Also, there are some unique staffs for block builds, aren’t there?

I can’t talk to you. You are just making up wrong facts.

Yup, Bo’s Anarchy, Jasper’s Searing Pride, Dreamthorn & Monument of Protection,

Do explain what I’m making up.

I did get that you need a shield for block wrong. But I also had an “(I think?)” caveat. Thank you @Llama8 for the clarification that no, you don’t need a shield, but a vast majority comes from your shield. And thank you @F0lk for adding that some staves provide large amounts of block.

That doesn’t change the rest of what I said though. Having ward/dodge/block doesn’t make it a ward/dodge/block build. You have to use it as your primary defense layer for it to be a ward/dodge/block build. If I have a dodge build with Ward in it, it doesn’t become a ward build. If I have an HP build that uses a shield, it’s not a block build. You can have all these different defensive utilities in the same build, but the primary defensive layer is what the build is based around.

OP has said repeatedly that he thinks ward is too OP (it’s not) and that he doesn’t want ANY ward on his “warrior.” which I said was equally dumb as saying “I don’t want ANY armor on my Wizard”, but I’ll also add it’s as equally dumb to say “I don’t want any block on my Rogue” or “any life leech on my Druid”.

Edit: I’ll also add that a fact cannot be wrong, by definition lol

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You are wrong… sadly kind of because I loved the more destinct classes in the past more then the generic mashup there is right now. I haven’t even touched S2 of LE because it sounded to me like crap on paper and what I watched so far wasn’t to my personal liking. that’s where you are wrong. In your book the definition of a Forge Guard can be whatever you make up but in reality it isn’t what you make up about the class.

Troll or rekt

Totally agree with you OP.

Endurance and endurance threshold do not feel good at all to get to cover a small last portion on your HP.
Imo, it requires a rework to be on part with the ward.

It’s kinda where minions build also struggle because you need to buff, with affix, your minions in regard of your defence overall.

I am super sad saying this, maybe look at where D4 is going and learn a bit.

Just way too much investment to put into HP builds compared to something like ward. Gotta stack tons of hp/hybrid/armor/etc. just to get the same survivability as a ward character. Did an HP regen build this season and it required a lot of work and can do like maybe corruption 500+ easily, don’t remember haven’t played for a bit. But an equivalent ward build would be like 10x easier to build lol.

Did not read all the replies. My involvement with this cycle ended after not very long due to same issues with the last one (still rooting for them though!) so my forum time is brief but… THIS.


Make it on TOP.

I don’t have an issue with current ward but why must endurance be it’s unwanted step child?

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But Don’t we have high armor stats?

Nice fancy shield with decent block chance, block effectiveness & reduced damage taken from blocks? Also Reduced Critical Damage taken??

I’m sorry, I’m new to this game on 1.1 , but on my paladin builds, I manage to get near 50% + block chance n face tanking boss, so…i think u need to try harder pal.

Also, ward isn’t entirely invincible, I got rekt many times as mages to some mobs that could blast near 6k dmg as AOE right in my face.g

When people say that “ward is invincible” (or whatever), theyre actually referring to a few specific skills/builds that can generate massive amounts of ward rather than ward as a defensive layer itself. Ward isn’t the problem, being able to generate so much that you can facetank things that are intended to be un-facetankable and then recover in time for the next big hit is the problem.

I assume you mean without a shield? 'Cause 50% is trivial with a shield.

Sure. Are you saying that you still feel this to be an issue? I never managed/did the whole “ultra barrier” in the last cycle (as a mage type player) but my understanding is that this is no longer the case this cycle. As a mage-type, I had a tough time getting much barrier this cycle.

-I can never seem to grind enough to get mono boss drops either though so… hmm. I may have missed out on a lot of things because of this.

I assume you mean without a shield? 'Cause 50% is trivial with a shield.

I wouldn’t know entirely, cause i’m still new to the game, plus my paladin is in CoF, so most of my gears are rares , some i forged myself, I am lucky to get a decent exalted shield and now I have 58% block chances atm.

As for the wards, is this why those “meta” are so broken? because they can burst huge wards?

I don’t know what the peak is now in 1.1, but in 1.0, yeah, you could soak a good >100k of damage with a few builds & have that pretty frequently.


Oof, that is surely broken as hell.

That doesn’t happen anymore (that I’m aware), though there are still builds that can get around 10k consistently. Meaning they can refill it fast if hit. Not as broken as before, but still needing adjustments.

From what I can see in 1.1, the meta builds are mostly about offensive output (kill everything before they can hit you) and the “automatic” defenses like block and dodge.