Multishot, Redied Arrows don't proc with Channeled Flurry

Multishot - Redied Arrows don’t proc with Channeled Flurry.

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This is probably because Channelled only procs on the initial start of the skill. Its not considered continual hits or attacks that could potentially proc multishot… only one… and the Readied Arrow only has a 5% chance on the start of the attack…

Pretty sure @Llama8 can explain it better (or correct me if I am wrong) but thats probably what you are experiencing…

If you want Multishot in channeled Flurry then you need the Fusilade Node in Flurry…

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Yup, “on use” only counts for channelled skills when you start channelling, not each swing/arrow/etc.

Not a bug.

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Thank you for the clarification. I apologize for the ignorance, I am still learning the system.

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