Multiple procs from lightning strike idols?

If i have more than 1 ‘‘Chance to Cast Lightning Strike when you use a skill that costs at least 10 Mana’’ idol,
can it proc more than once with 1 skill hit?

The chances would get added together. If you could get it to be over 100% than maybe, though I just don’t know. But if the chances add together to be under 100%, no. It’ll proc that added % of the time.

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What @LividLegends said.

I think typically the only things that add ‘multiples’ from percentages are Ailments. There are some other skill procs and some of the tooltips will say “over 100% has no added effect.”

Could totally be wrong without it being tested but that’s a lot of idols to try to get over 200% to see if it’ll work. Can it even go that high with idol slots? To my knowledge the Stormbreaker unique is the only other item that has this affix. At least you wouldn’t have to try to get 4 good idols to test it.

If you get say like 125% or 150% you could go to the Champions arena and see if you can get it to fire off more than once like an ailment.

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Luckily i had a Storm breaker and found that it does just add the % and does not proc individually.
I only have one idol though so i can’t test what would happen above 100%.

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With DoT damage, lets say Bleeds, if you have 200% chance to bleed it would put 2 Bleed DoTs on the target. if you have 300% chance, it would add 3 DoTs.
Same should go for Lightning Strikes, if you have 200% chance, it should strike with 2 bolts at the same time.
If you have have two idols with 10% chance, it would add up to 20%, and not 2x 10% where if those 2 both would proc and be giving you two bolts.

But ailments are different to subskill procs & crits can’t have a chance greater than 100% to occur either.