Multiple Issues with Aftershock

I tried 2 things to change aftershock damage to damage over time - on the tooltip it doesnt give it “damage over time tag” also the Storm Rift doesnt add the “Spell” tag to aftershocks. This results in neither of them scaling the DoT damage.

Also the idols to add aftershock on melee hit dont proc at all - tried them on the training dummies having multiples and it didnt proc ever.

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More Aftershock issues:
If you target the ground instead of an enemy, the earthquake cast in front of you and the aftershock casts where your cursor happened to be at the time of cast.

The node “Divining Totem” just does not appear to function in any way shape or form.

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Just to add, the Aftershock idol spawns an aftershock on a nearby ENEMY, the training dummy is a neutral mob not an enemy.
I tested the idol on bosses with the Lethargy node and that beeing the only source of slow on the build and it feels like it does not proc. If i manually hit Earthquake the boss gets slowed, if i just hit it with a Tempest Strike that has something like 7 attacks a second it does not proc at all.

I’ll add some details to this. Divining Totem is absolutely broken.
With Storm Totem you will only ever get 1 aftershock. With Thorn totems you get the right number of aftershocks but the skill works like “aftershocks only occur when a totem is nearby” which gives no positive at all. The aftershocks do not come from the totems and they do not multiply with number of nearby totems… they simply only occur if a totem was nearby, but at the same place they normally would appear in respect to the earthquake skill’s origin.

I’ll add to this.
Trying to play a Upheaval + Divining Totem build. Basically the point is to turn Aftershocks into a DoT while utilizing all the increased/more multipliers in the passive tree to do massive DPS. We want to utilize Divining Totem to be able to spawn more Aftershocks on top of large mobs/bosses to basically do double, triple or even quad damage depending on the amount of totems.
That being said, as other people have pointed out here’s the bugs I’ve gathered so far:

  1. The “core” mechanic of Earthquake and more specifically Aftershock is bugged. You can only spawn and have 1 Aftershock at a time. No matter the amount of casts your last Aftershock will always be replaced by the new one. Aftershocks don’t seem to “seek out targets…”, the 1 Aftershock you’re able to spawn will spawn at your cursor’s location, nothing else.

  2. Divining Totem passive is supposed to make the Aftershocks appear near your totem. It doesn’t work at all. The only thing this passive changes is that you’re able to spawn 1 Aftershock at your cursor’s location without the need for any mobs - you don’t even have to be near the totem at all, and you’re free to spawn the 1 Aftershock at any location on the screen, not limited by where the totem is.

  3. The visual is all over the place, sometimes you’ll have huge black lines appear and they indicate nothing as mobs standing on those black lines don’t take any damage or anything.

So yeah, in general the skill is turbo bugged. You’re only able to spawn 1 Aftershock at a time, which is a huge nerf to a skill where many of the points are supposed to buff Aftershock and make it the main source of damage. You got increases to maximum/minimum amount of Aftershocks, you used to be able to utilize totems to have multiple Aftershocks overlap on top of bosses etc. All of these passives and that exact mechanic is useless as you’re only ever able to spawn 1.

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