Multiple False Mage Character Cheet Stats Shown, Client side. Some caused by Teleport

I noticed a while now that my armour values in my character cheet increase from map to map with out me changing anything.
today it wasnt just my armour values but also some other stats.

to cut the chase i post a picture and explain then what we can see

So the main problem here is caused by the temporary stats given by teleport,
specificly here the elemental res, armour and stun avoidance.
I noticed that i sometimes (around every 2 maps) retain the stats given by teleport in my character sheet. I did run many many maps and could not reliable figure out what exact sequenz of actions is the reason for the stats to stay, but i it happend fairly reliable every map or 2 at least once. One time the game substracted a “stack” of teleport stats instead of adding one and sometimes i ended up with just a bit of extra armour, i assume it was the armour given by the Shattered Aegis Passive in the base mage tree that applied on the bonus armour by teleport that did not ended up getting removed.
(the armour should only be 1,3k, stun avoidance is only 1,3k and the ele res are average 120)

i did some respecing with teleport since i cant really say for sure if those stats are real or not i did speced into the temporary ward retention and elemental dmg to see if the stats do something, they do not, so its probably just a problem on my screen and not on the server side.

I cannot say why the sheet reduces my movespeed by 27%.

i can say that the -% attackspeed is because of the cast loop of enchanted weapon.
it recast it self when its back ready and gives me 50% attackspeed, those 50% attackspeed are not added in the cheet, but they are substracted at the end of the buff, currently the buff has a 1,2 sek break between recasts.

the Crit chance is probably because of a crit shrine buff didnt got removed from my cheet.
i assume its a similar process as with the Teleport stats.
those crit chances are also not true, i did test it with spells and i had still the normal crit chance of like 20% for my spells.

the % increase cold dmg did came a bit from teleport but it did started increasing in maps way before i speced into the %increase elemental dmg from teleport, i dont know where those % increased for specific cold dmg came from.

And no clue why the sheet thinks im on 621 mana.

so none of those stats do anything exept severly hindering me in reading my actual stats and when i change zones (so when i actualy leave my monoliths) ALL the stats are back to what they should be.

(in case log files are required i can provide them when needet)

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