Multiplayer - Runes/Glyphs Being Removed

Runes and Glyph (and possible affix shards but more difficult to prove) are sometimes subtracted at random instead of added when depositing using “transfer crafting items.”

Screenshot 1 was taken when we entered the echo. After the echo was complete we accepted the reward and chest, then deposited using the transfer. Even though he got a rune of discovery and that went up, others randomly get reduced by a small (uncorrelated?) amount.

We discovered this because after about 15 hours of playing and getting through to end game I have significantly less crafting materials than my friend who I am playing with. The picture above is his mats and I’m sitting at 0 shatterings and 0 hopes along with half or less of the others.

He always creates the games and invites me. This appears to not happen if you are the one who invites. We remade our game and I invited him and were able to reproduce the bug about twice over 5 echoes for him, while it no longer effected me. We are different classes (Mage-Sorc,

In our limited testing we can’t really find a way to force the bug to occur besides just doing echoes as the 2nd person in a group and stashing materials until you get a picture of them disappearing, and have no idea how to avoid this issue besides being the “leader” of the group.

Unsure if you allow twitch clips couldn’t find a direct answer:

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