Multiplayer Progress Update - July 2021

Is that an amended end of time or does it relate to the Bazaar?

The gameplay looked decently fluid though. Just wondering how it’s like with 200 Wraiths & a load of Devouring Orbs proccing Future Strikes, chill, etc on everything. And Smites.

It’s not currently planned. What we have planned for loot instancing is in the FAQ


It is not currently planned to share Loot Filter rules, since players have instanced loot.

Good, if Heavy gets non-instanced loot, I want friendly fire.


Please consider implementing it, it’s entirely optional and i would be ok if all active party members must consent!

Other than that i am happy about all that INFO!

  1. It is not the Bazaar.

  2. We’re aware of that situation and one of the other questions I answered here addresses that we’ll be ensuring that your personal experience is a bit less gruesome, both from a visual and technical standpoint. Your friend can still have their silly amount of Wraiths, ideally less than 200 or we’ve added a zero somewhere :slight_smile:

But what if you want to have friendly fire 'cause Heavy someone keeps on ninja-ing your loot?

Just saying @heavy, this is why non-instanced loot is bad.

Edit: Though him getting swarmed by 200 Wraiths that then die & spawn Giant Zombies that explode in his face while giving me ward does sound good… While he’s trying to summon an Abomination or hit me with Harvest/Erasing Strike…


I think for this very reason it would be great. Because otherwise I have to recreate some loot filter rules from my friend manually. So we can help each other to gear. Which wouldn’t be that bad but a more automatic system would be great. Especially in a random party, it would be nice to have.

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Very well written post, thank you for explaining. Really goes to show all the tiny pieces that have to layer in and fit perfect for all of this to even work. Respect to the team.

The ability to just share your loot filters between each other through discord or email or some other file sharing system doesn’t solve this problem for you?

I normally don’t want to share the whole filter but just some specific rules. You don’t need all the hides and shows probably. Normally you have some very specific recolour filters for good item bases and well rolled items, you want to craft further on.

As I said I preferably want it to be in the game, to have it easier done and more accessible. If I play with a friend we will probably just set up the filter together and adapt it together as we play. But a simple checkbox on the filter which says, share with group just sounds nice to have.

I am more than aware of the downsides of non-instanced loot and i totally get why it’s not the default.

But it should be optioanlly possible to go for it.

I love to active communicate with my friends, who takes what items.

Wow, that’s very exciting. Loved the updates and looking forward to seeing what’s in store.

Will Multiplayer come with integrated Voice Chat?

It’s not currently planned for 1.0. VOIP is it’s own set of servers, hosting considerations, account integrations, and more, it’s fun!


Does this include consideration on mtx for skill effects and pets? If limited, it means people wont be able to show off cool mtx effects and pets they buy?

Or argue that they’re being “pressured” into buying them…

That is not within the context of what @Jerle quoted.

It was about reduced VFX/cosmetics shown by party members

It’s exactly the opposite of what you implied.
It would make people less inclined to buy MTX to show off, since party members won’t see it the same way you do.

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No. You’re thinking of it from the owner of the MTX’s point of view, I’m thinking of it from the party member/rando-in-town’s point of view & the inevitable whinging on media-of-choice that town is filled up with more bling than characters and that they feel forced to buy MTX.

Just because you (the impersonal pronoun you, not you Heavy) may want to show off your eye-wateringly strange MTX choices that fill up half the screen with particle effects doesn’t mean I want to be subjected to them.

Yes, I am in a shitty mood this morning.

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And if you’re the only person in the party who doesn’t want, you sound like a naughty person. It would be optional, but reality would make it not an option on many groups. One player who does not agree would be ejected.
This would only work if all party members agree or are used to play together.
I really don’t like this option. Not at all. It’s a cooperative game, it’s not a “me first, deal with it”.

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