Sounds and looks great!
Great work and I’m looking forward to it!
And as always thx for keeping us up to date!
Will there be local co-op/Splitscreen?
When we can test it?
That isn’t a launch feature for us. It’s something that would make sitting down on the couch with a buddy to slay some monsters way more fun. We would like to have it but it is in our very far backlog.
No I dont ever remember that and thats not a good thing anyway
When I started PoE in Standard in 2013 1ex was 14c or something
I remember playing Righteous Fire and needing Rise of the Phoenix and it was 1ex and the conversion was 1ex:14c, it also took me about 5 days to get to level 68 back then whereas now you can get 68 in 5 hours
GGG dont want the game casual friendly and it still kept going that way anyway due to D3 refugees and others non stop complaining on reddit, the game is actually in a good spot but its nowhere near what it was in 2013 it was the most unfriendly casual experience in almost any game to exist
So basically it was the Wildstar of ARPGs
There is actually a benefit though to channels like this for anti-social players like me. I don’t want to see “general chat” with a ton of strangers & fluff, however I am interested in talking to other players in my guild, even if we’re not partied doing the same content. That’s the benefit of a Guild Chat channel.
Oh, Invisipoet, thanks for that. I had just about managed to purge my memory banks of my Wildstar experience. Now, you’re just refreshed all those old memories
I hope you realize that the following is what you just said:
“I don’t want to see “general chat” with a ton of strangers & fluff, however I am interested in seeing “guild chat” with a smaller amount of strangers & fluff.”
I mean in all seriousness, guild members are complete and total strangers to you. There’s just less of them than in general chat.
Hahaha, you are on a roll these last few days. Once again you have made me chuckle out loud.
I’m not by nature a sneaky person, so I don’t plan my posts out at all; I just post as I am thinking. Consequently I do post some twaddle at times. I also contradict myself at times as my opinion is changed by the reasoning of others.
However, I was referring to my “home” guild in particular when I was thinking about this post. Unusually, we’ve been together in gaming for over 10 years, and most of us have spent many hours voiping without even gaming, sharing social media, and some have even committed the cardinal sin and met in RL. Ours is an odd & outdated Guild. We are a guild that goes from game to game, rather than a guild created within a specific game.
I do accept your point though. For the most part in games, Guilds are full of strangers, just strangers with a familiar tag.
Yes, but also no. Some of my best friends that I chat to (and have even physically met! Shock!) were guildies in a few games.
Yeah, I know, my own personal guilds in past games were only RL friends (no internet strangers). I have, however, joined other guilds in the past with 100s of members all of whom were strangers.
Thank you for including an
“appear offline”
option from the start!
Tbh, I’d rather have “just a guild chat” than no guild stuff at all. It’s nice to be able to chat with a few different people at the same time instead of using global channels or whispering each person individually. I already know a few different people from my PoE guild that have picked up LE and we would definitely use a guild chat. It could help to make multiplayer more interactive too. Meeting people in town hubs and then inviting them to your guild. Then communicating through the guild chat, you could arrange content to run like dungeons or MoF content etc.
Tldr: Definitely think guild chat would be useful even without other guild features.
Completely agree with this. I do hope LE goes further with multiplayer oriented stuff, but even if not, I’d love a Guild Chat.
“Servers will restart in 15 minutes for scheduled maintenance”
Is it about “Chat servers” ? Or it’s about game server?
I heard that there is, unfortunately, no servers planned for multiplayer.
Can someone, please, confirm about multipllayer and dedicated servers?
Multiplayer is dedicated servers and it’s server authoritative. Not sure who told you that servers aren’t planned for MP, but that’s incorrect information and was never the case.