Multiplayer: Failed to Matchmake

We have been having all kinds of issues tonight, getting “Failed to Matchmake” in many scenarios and getting DC’d when transporting. I thought it might be my connection or gateway, but I saw in chat many others asking the same question and having the same problem. So I assume it’s not on my end. I’m just checking here to see if there’s work on the servers going on or something else that explains it. I’ll pop into Discord too, and leave a bug report if it appears it’s just a bug.

Anyone else seeing this?

Unfortunately this has not been communicated here but

EHG_Steve Today at 01:01

Attention Travelers One of our service providers is experiencing an outage and it has affected online play. Once their services are back up, we will update you. Offline play is unaffected.


That was around the time of your message

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Thank you for posting that here. Situation is back to normal now.