Coming from Grim Dawn, Diablo etc etc i am used to keep my finger on the right mouse button while fighting in melee range.
I usually designed a key like SPACE > force no movement
Sadly in this game this does not work.
The Left-Mouse follow on melee causes my character to run somewhere because the Hit windows on enemies are to small…
So why did you guys copy Grim Dawn, PoE and what all but not their most common “Move to Melee Range” function which is meanwhile used by any of these games ?
I have hard times playing melee only following on the right mouse button.
So i sadly gave up on direct close range melee characters and stick to Ranged anything.
Playing a melee in Lost Epoch doesnt feel fun if the Character attacks on Right-Mouse then just stands there and swings his weapon because the enemy has moved out of range… The player character should follow the moving target instead of just standing there…
I don’t know where the Problem is to be honest but it sucks if you have to spend 4/5 points in increased aoe just to hit the enemy you want and not thin air :).
Having to press the right mouse button again for the movement to the next enemy thousands of times while playing is the reason why Grim Dawn, D3 , PoE has a better solution by allowing to keep the button pressed and change target at once…
I agree. The combat/movement from the RMB needs to be more fluid, by being able to just keep the RMB held down all the time.
I know some people will argue it’s just a click. Click to move, click again to attack, then click again to move etc. Buts not just a single click, its literally thousands! And for some of us with certain medical conditions, having to keep pressing the same key repeatedly becomes very painful.
And I really hope EHG acknowledge there are players with medical conditions, who have painful joint movements!
Longtime GD player here and I can confirm, that after 1400+ if Grim Dawn, melee feels a little clunky in this game. It is frustrating to watch my character swinging at the air.