Mouse crusor

Hello Folks,

i am a bit older and play on 4k.
Please make it possible to change the size and color of the mouse crusor for better visibility.
Thank you.

This has come up a good number of times and I believe there “may” be something in the planning in the future, but not by 1.0. For the time being though most people use yolomouse. I don’t but understand it’s great.


Yeah, I’m more than a ‘bit’ older and yes, Yolomouse is great. I really like how you can customize all of the various ‘mouse’ iterations in the game. It’s a good visual cue. I have to figure out how to get crazy with more customized looks though than what comes with it because I’ve seen some really cool ones that I want. :smiley:

Yeah thaky, Yolomouse is great.

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