Mostly Necro gripes and suggestions

Hi there! New to the forums. Love the game, just wanted to provide some helpful feedback on some things.

I’ve been playing Necro for a few days and there’s some things I think could be done better to improve the experience. I dunno if anyone else has suggested this, but I think having some kind of visual feedback for your minion count would be good. Like, if I can summon 5 skeletons and I have 4 currently summoned, maybe have the number 4 glowing red. Once I summon the 5th skeleton, it can glow green. Red would indicate that I don’t have my maximum skeletons and green would indicate that I have them capped.

I also think having some kind of indication as to when your minions die, would be helpful. Maybe a message in chat, “(x) minion has died.” A big problem I’m having, now that I’m pushing into endgame, is that my minions are starting to die more often and I don’t realize it. I made my own build to where I need to have them all up at all times and any of them dying is bad.

Another suggestion, and this is just a personal gripe, but I really don’t like that my minions despawn when I log off. I have 15 minions now and I have to summon them all, one by one. I know there are talents to allow you to summon more per key press. I’m only complaining about having to summon them on log in. Any other time is acceptable.

And my final suggestion, while not related to Necro, is still important, imo. Exalted, unique and set items need to go straight to your stash, when dropped and not looted. If you port out of an area and there’s a unique on the ground that you didn’t know about, or maybe you died, you just lose it forever. That feels really bad. Even just having a single stash tab for un-looted items, as kind of a protection feature, would be acceptable. Even if it was expensive to purchase.

Anyway! These ideas have been living rent free in my head for a few days and I just wanted to share them. Love the game. Keep up the great work, EH!

Thanks for reading.

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