More robust crafting


Crafting, for me, seems pretty anemic. As it stands, I very rarely use the forge or buy the salvage runes to obtain shards. I think the game could benefit from a more robust system.

For starters, have recipes along the lines of d3 or something similar. For example, you could need a white item and then depending on the affixes, the required shard. Also allow all the rarities to be crafted or broken down including the idols. maybe make some set items and legendary crafted only and require a wide set of items.

Without saying too much… I doubt any of this will happen. I also find it hard to believe that you very rarely use the forge – this screams to me that you haven’t played very much of the game. Which is okay, but I think you’ll find that the forge is almost necessary if you want to progress very far into the (end)game.

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Hey… Welcome to the forums…

Rarely use the Forge! You are missing out or really have not played beyond the campaign levels.

During the campaign, most drops are gear improvements & you will probably not need the forge, but for end-game forging is a must… As @washa3 mentioned, a well crafted rare is almost a requirement for end-game gearing & successful play…

Thanks for the replies! I’m level 52 on my highest, a rogue. It is true, I havent hit end game but I hardly have used the forge. I’m still on the campaign. Basing off your two comments, I’ll make a reply to my original once I get into the endgame I decent amount.

I always start crafting in the monoliths, because that’s when you get most of the items you want long-term.

Some craftable uniques and sets could be fun.

For everything else I’d like it to stay the same and not being able to craft idols is an absolute gem. I like searching these in the lootpiles the most :smiley:

They would not be Uniques anymore.

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Make the recipe a unique drop then.

The uniqueness concept has been broken the first moment a double drops anyway.

What is unique is not the object itself, it’s the choice of affixes on it. Multiple Uniques of the same kind will have different rolls, but always the same affixes. That makes them unique: the combination of affixes.

There will be crafting improvements coming. This was stated on several channels like dev stream, discord, forums… just we sent know how they will look like.

I can see that recipes could work if they ever introduce craftable uniques, runewords or some similar stuff. But I see this as an possible future enhancement for seasonal content rather than a necessity right now. I really like the current deterministic crafting system. If we somehow could improve some things like fractures or rune of removal, I’d be fine.

Devs already stated that they not plan on implementing unique or idol crafting. These things are meant to be chase items.

Plans may change, but I’m fine with the current implementation.

I’m really curious about legendaries and Eternity Caches.

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Did you think I considered different affixes each time it’s crafted?

They are the same all the time and basically it moves the drop of a gear piece to the drop of crafting material. Certain materials could be needed for various pieces and one could save those up for a later day (some alt perhaps).

It’s sprucing things up a bit.

whenever anyone comes in here suggesting features from d3…smh

D3 has fun gameplay, but literally every single thing else is mobile-game-centric garbage
I want more interesting crafting but D3 is not the example.

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